Journal Entries

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This is a list of all the journal entries, and how to unlock them in game. Be warned, this section is full of unmarked spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Soup Recipes

See the Cooking Guide for a full list of recipes.


This will list all the terminals in the game, and where to find them. For a full list of emails, see Emails.

(Work in progress, and subject to reorganization)

Office Sector
Description & Emails Location image
Behind the kitchen in the starting area


Starting Area Terminal.jpg
Outside Warren's Security Office in the Plaza


Plaza Terminal.jpg
In the Data Farm on Level 2, opposite from the kitchen

Emails: The dog thing, This needs to STOP, WWF

Data Farm Terminal.jpg
Up the stairs from the Plaza, and straight through to Level 2 Reception.

Emails: OFFICE SUPPLY CROSSBOWS, Bad Bots, Anvils?!

Level 2 Reception Terminal.jpg
The flooded office on level 2 that is near the Elevator up to Level 3.

Emails: RE: 178 Containment, Connected specimens?, BBQ

Level 2 Flooded Office.jpg
Directly next to the Anteverse II portal on Level 3.

Emails: What's going on?, Doesn't add up

Anteverse II Portal Terminal.jpg
Next to the Break Room on Level 3, the Silo 3 viewing area with the Flathill portal visible in the background.

Emails: Blue Keypads, X-ers?, Nightlights

Silo 3 Viewing Area Terminal.jpg
Right next to the door into Silo 3 on Level 3, and the Flathill portal.

Emails: Power Cell Testing, PESTS, TIDY UP

Flathill Portal Terminal.jpg
(ENTRY TO BE REORGANIZED) Flathill, Past the library and inside the Gate Office building.

Emails: COMPOSER, CCU: Cleanup Request

Flathill, Gate Office.jpg
(ENTRY TO BE REORGANIZED) Flathill, right next to the video store where you meet Marion.

Emails: Power Cells

Flathill Truck Terminal.jpg

Manufacturing West
Description & Emails Location image
Just a little down the road from F.O.R.G.E. Go into the Security Booth near the Crossroads, then out the back. In the small room there, go up the stairs.

Emails: Data Leakage, TELEPORTING RATS?, Spelling

Manufacturing, Terminal near Security in Garage.jpg
In the mapping center above the burning train.

Emails: Intrusion, What is this mess?, Need Silver

Mapping Center terminal.jpeg
Right in front of the surface tunnel, in the base camp setup by the soldiers.

Emails: excursor, annulment

Surface Tunnel Camp Terminal.jpg
Just outside the surface tunnel, In the office above the soldiers camp.

Emails: Where is the Train?, IT'S GROWING

Surface Tunnel Office Terminal.jpg
In the offices to the west of Lot Oversight, in the second floor break room.

Emails: MF West Security, Nil by mouth, What about the other one?, What IS that noise?

Lot Oversight Terminal.jpg
In the Tram station near Frake's hideout.

Emails: Portal Grounding, Rocklarks, 0014 issue

Tram Station Terminal.jpg
In Frake's hideout, near the back wall up high off the ground.

Emails: OVERLOAD, Containment, ATTENTION: All Laboratory Staff

Fran's Fortress Terminal.jpg
Cascade Laboratories
Description & Emails Location image
Up the elevator next to XR Containment.

Emails: REMINDER, help, Get rid of it

Leyak Containment Terminal.jpg
In the soldier's compound inside Vehicle Lot 7.

Emails: paratus es

Parking Lot terminal.jpg
In the observation room above the Wildlife Pens


Wildlife Pens Terminal.jpg
In the raised central area in Particle Labs

Emails: Optical Components, It happened again, Who's on IS-60?

Particle Labs Terminal.jpg
Up the stairs next to the Tram station in the Lobby.

Emails: Webbing infestation, Yellow Pain, Pluto shots

Lobby 2nd floor offices Terminal.jpg
On the second floor of the containment block just off the massive elevator, you will find the Adjustment Wing, and this terminal right outside the door.

Emails: More 091 Mat, New seeds, Where is IS-0100?, Goodbye IC

Adjustment Wing Entry Terminal.jpg
On the second floor of the Adjustment Wing. In the hallway right next to the conference room that looks out on the Dark Lens housing.

Emails: KIZZ Stickers??, Shouldn't exist, Get rid of it

Adjustment Wing Hallway Terminal.jpg
In the Helmholtz Control room, near the button to open the fence-gate to the zombie area portal.

Emails: ZOMBIES, LIFECYCLES, Curie Stairs, Purple Dust

Helmholtz Control Terminal.jpg
(ENTRY TO BE REORGANIZED). In The Furniture Store portal world. On the 3rd floor right next to the exit portal.

Emails: Am I crazy?

Furniture Store Terminal.jpg
Right outside the Control Center at the top of the Containment Block. This is the room you appear in when leaving The Furniture Store.

Emails: Ichor power?, Where's the data from?, Seriously?

Control Center Security Booth Terminal.jpg
Above the Tram Station in the Containment Block, not far from the Tarasque

Emails: The data you wanted, You need to see this, RE: Forget it

Containment Block Tram Station Terminal.jpg
Right next to the halfway closed Silo Door that you can see the Tarasque from.

Emails: IS-0023 + 0121, The Worst One, VHS Findings

Tarasque area Terminal.jpg
In the Control Room at the top of the Containment Blocks. Just outside the Security Booth where you appear after exiting The Furniture Store. Exit the security booth, go up the stairs on the left and this terminal will be on the right.

Emails: Hot Stuff, NO SINGING, VHS Findings.

Control Center Terminal.jpg
In the Control Room at the top of the Containment Blocks. This is behind the machine gun that guards the catwalk that leads to the computers that control the auto-guns.

Emails: area secured

Auto-Gun Control Defense Line Terminal.jpg
Text here


Image Here


  • G.A.S.S - "Security Bot" - Approaching any Security Bot charging station.
  • G.A.I.A - "Containment Bot" - Approaching any Containment Bot charging station.
  • ORDER: TRIARII - "Grunt" - Unlocked by fighting the Grunt in the kitchen near the Garage in Manufacturing West. Additional information unlocked by speaking with The Blacksmith.
  • ORDER: LEGATE - "Captain" - Unlocked by approaching the hologram in the Shipping area observation/control room. Additional information unlocked by reading the email "annulment" and viewing the attachment.
  • ORDER: INQUISITOR - "Lab Rat" - Unlocked by speaking with Hasta Tria.
  • ORDER: EXULUM - "Breacher" - Unlocked by approaching the kitchen on the upper floor of the Control Center, near an emplaced gun manned by a Grunt.
  • ORDER: SAGITTARII - "Sniper" - Unlocked by entering the tower with a Sniper in the Mapping area of Manufacturing West.
  • IS-0064 - "Composer" - Unlocked by getting past the first few Composers in Flathill and entering the Courthouse. Additionally information unlocked by reading the email "COMPOSER" and viewing the attachment, as well as listening to the hologram on the roof of the Arcade in Flathill.
  • IS-0094 - "Leyak" - Unlocked by entering entering Leyak's cell in XR Containment.
  • IS-0121 - "Tarasque" - Unlocked by passing under the stuck door in Containment Block Anning, opposite the room with the Tarasque. Additional information unlocked by reading the email "Ichor power?" and viewing the attachment, as well as speaking with Dr. Peters.
  • IS-0139 - [ REDACTED ] - Unlocked by listening to the hologram in the fenced in area just outside of the tram station with the portal to The Train. Additional information is currently unobtainable.
  • IS-0171-A - "Carbuncle" - Unlocked by going through the vents in the starting area, progressing past the room with the Carbuncle. Additional information is unlocked by listening to a hologram.
  • IS-0173-A - "Pest" - Unlocked by going through the vents in the starting area, progressing into the vent past the room with the Pest. Additional information is unlocked by reading the email "PESTS" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-0173-B - "Electro-Pest" - Unlocked by observing the scene where Dr. Abe Stern experiments with one.
  • IS-0178-A - "Peccary" - Unlocked by leaving the Office Sector cafeteria where the first Peccary is encountered. Additional information is unlocked by listening to a hologram.
  • IS-0184-A - "Exor" - Unlocked by going up to the destroyed elevator in the room with the portal to Far Garden. Additional information is unlocked by reading the email "X-ers?" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-0184-B - "Exor Monk" - Unlocked by exploring Far Garden. Additional information unlocked by reading the email "Nil by mouth" and viewing the attachment, as well as listening to a hologram.
  • IS-0223 - "Coworker" - Unlocked by reading the email "Rocklarks" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-0407 - "Symphonist" - Unlocked by reading the email "What about the other one?" and viewing the attachment.


  • Office Sector - "Administration and Management". This is the starting zone. The entry is unlocked by going up the stairs from the Plaza near Warren.
  • Manufacturing West - "Engineering and Fabrication". Entry unlocked by talking to Varsha and getting her to unlock the door further into manufacturing. This is the second area, and requires a Power Cell from Flathill to open. The Power Cell is inserted into a forklift near Grayson.
  • Cascade Laboratories - "Advanced Study and Containment". This is the third area. This entry is unlocked by entering the elevator at the bottom of the Containment Block for the first time. The area is unlocked by overloading The Synchrotron, carving a hole that allows access.
  • Rise - "Gate Rise Bio-Laboratory". Optional Portal World. The final portal world in Cascade Laboratories. There is a multi-step process to unlock it. First, you must have reached the The Mycofields and obtained Anteverse Gel. Create Antethermite, and use it to open the Laser Lab in the Adjustment Wing. Get the Laser Reflector recipe from the whiteboard in the lab. Create at least 2 Reflectors, and get a tall item with flat sides. I recommend 2 of the 2 drawer filing cabinets. Take your two reflectors, and your filing cabinets, and return to the laser lab. Notice that the powerful laser emitter has been knocked down, and no longer hits the ring near the opposite wall. Inside that ring is a small purple effect, like a finger sized portal. Carefully position a cabinet right next to the powerful laser from the large emitter. Stack the second cabinet on top of it. Use one reflector near the bottom to send the laser straight up, then another one near the top to direct the laser directly into the small portal. If you are successful, after a few seconds you will hear a sound like glass breaking. Go to the housing for The Dark Lens just outside the Vacuum Chamber, and you'll notice a portal there. That will take you to Rise.
  • Anteverse XXIII - "The Furniture Store". This portal world is required for story progression. To reach it, you must go in the Containment Block Dirac, use the button on the second floor to open the door to the rest of the Containment Blocks, then bridge/jump the gap near the fallen safety fence. Use the vent near the locked fence-doors to get into the secure office nearby. Go up the stairs, and at the far end of the room is a button that unlocks the fence-doors to Containment Block Hemholtz. Exit the secure room and go through the fence-doors. Continue until you see a branching corridor on your right. The large portal there will take you to the Furniture Store.
  • IS-0028 - "The Library". Read the email "What is this mess?" and view the attachment to unlock this entry. At the time of this writing, there doesn't appear to be a way to access this portal world.
  • IS-0031 - "The Pool Room". Optional Portal World. To reach this, you must have already beaten the Control Center, and taken over the auto-guns. Doing so unlocks many containment chambers. Return to Containment Block Hemholtz, where one of the cells has The Red Chair. Sit in the chair, and you will be teleported to The Pool Room.
  • Flathill - "Gate Crown Control Facility". Unlocked by reaching and entering the Gate Headquarters in the town. This portal world is required for story progression. To reach this portal, you must first create the Keypad Hacker. Once you have done so, go to Level 3 in the Office Sector. You can use the Elevator near the Dormitory Tram, or the stairs past the pool and pas the Bio Lab. One of the first things you will see up on Level 3 is a large silo door with a keypad you need to hack. Do so, kill the Exor, open the next door, then go straight past the staircase until you reach the large observation area. There will be a keypad directly in front of you. Use that to open the portal. You can access the portal by back going back to the staircase you passed a moment ago.
  • IS-0138 - "The Train". Entry unlocked by talking to Dr Hammond multiple times after entering this Anteverse. Additional information is gained by reading the email "Need silver" and viewing both attachments. This portal world is required for story progression. To unlock this area, you must have reached the F.O.R.G.E and spoken to The Blacksmith. He will give you the recipe for the Tram Station Key. You must also have crafted the Keypad Hacker (Tier 2). Once you have both, go up the steep roadway past the blacksmith until you reach the entryway with the soldiers on the left. Take a right towards the small office area. There will be a keypad to hack before you need to turn left or right. Do so, then go through the door it opens. Take a left, and follow the road until you see the Tram Station on you left. Use the Tram Station Key to open it. The portal is accessible via the left side of the area.
  • Anteverse II A - "Far Garden". This entry is unlocked by approaching the Hologram inside the portal world. While this is intended to be a required portal world, it is possible to skip it entirely. There are two ways to reach this. The usual path is to use a Energy Brick to open the silo door that gives access to Grayson. Use the elevator in that area to go up to the area containing this portal.
  • Anteverse II B - "The Mycofields". This portal world is required for story progression. To access this portal, you must have already beaten the Control Center, and taken over the auto-guns. You must have a Keypad Hacker (Tier 3). You must have traded for the Fire Proximity Suit from The Blacksmith. It is recommended you have a Lab Mask as well. First you will need to go to Containment Block Anning, which is across from Containment Block Hemholtz. Continue forward until you reach a Silo Door that is stuck partially open. You will see the Tarasque in a large room ahead. You must kill it, then salvage its body for the Tarasque Ichor. Once you have done so, put on your Lab Mask and Fire Proximity Suit. Take the Ichor, go back to the large open area in the Containment Block, and ride the elevator to the top floor. The giant mushrooms mark the correct floor and the correct door. Go through the silo door, go past the keypad hacker. Go down in the pit with the lava ring, and put the Ichor in one of the machines. Climb back out of the pit, and go back to the keypad you passed. Use your Keypad Hacker (Tier 3) on the pad, and it will open the portal.


See Immurement Registry for a full list of all IS's referenced directly or indirectly. This list is only entries in the in-game journal.

  • IS-0010 - "Glowing Shard"
  • IS-0013 - "Tub of Blood"
  • IS-0014 - "Time Brake"
  • IS-0017 - "Tub of Blood"
  • IS-0018 - "The Red Chair"
  • IS-0028 - "The Library"
  • IS-0031 - "---------"
  • IS-0042 - "The Lost Dog"
  • IS-0052 - "Gravity Dampener"
  • IS-0053 - "Kizz Cola Machine" - Unlocked by talking to Janet and Abe multiple times in the hallway outside Wildlife Pens.
  • IS-0060 - "Sector 13 Project"
  • IS-0064 - "Composer"
  • IS-0091 - "Leyak"
  • IS-0093 - "Belief Virus"
  • IS-0094 - "Creeping Crystal"
  • IS-0099 - "Antique Shotgun"
  • IS-0102 - "The Love Potion"
  • IS-0107 - "The Time Bomb" - Unlocked by reading the email "IT'S GROWING" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-0111 - "The Minder"
  • IS-0121 - "Tarasque"
  • IS-0122 - "The Shadow Creature"
  • IS-0138 - "The Train" - Anteverse XI
  • IS-0139 - [ REDACTED ]
  • IS-0155-A - "Entropy Flower"
  • IS-0166 - "The Paperweight"
  • IS-0169 - "The Fragment"
  • IS-0171-A - "Carbuncle" - Unlocked by going through the vents in the starting area, and progressing past the room with the Carbuncle.
  • IS-■■■■
  • IS-0173-A - "Pest"
  • IS-0173-B - "Electro-Pest"
  • IS-0178-A - "Peccary"
  • IS-0184-A - "Exor"
  • IS-0184-B - "Exor Monk"
  • IS-0223 - "Coworker"
  • IS-0235 - "Tape Wisp"
  • IS-0299 - "Nocturnal Anomaly" - Unlocked by reading the email "Nightlights" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-0333 - "Space Lettuce"
  • IS-0407 - "Symphonist"
  • IS-0513 - "The Hate-Inducing Table". (Main info unlock needs to be cited). Additional information is unlocked by reading the email "Get rid of it" and viewing the attachment.
  • IS-1057 - "Yellow Paint"


  • Warren Bunning - Security Officer: Speak to him in the Plaza in Office Sector to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Ulrich Thule - Physicist: Speak to him in the cafeteria to unlock this entry. He is the first NPC you meet immediately after starting a new game.
  • Dr. Janet Ross - Experimental Physicist: Unlocked by talking to her and Abe at any point.
  • Dr. Abe Stern - Molecular Physicist: Unlocked by talking to him and Janet at any point. (Additional info unlock needs to be cited)
  • Dr. Derek Manse - Research Director: Listen to the hologram in the Bio Lab discussing the Carbuncle to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Katherine Pendleton - Biologist: Speak to her in the Adjustment Wing to unlock this entry.
  • T. R. Enderson - Gate Immurment Manager: Read the email "Bad Bots" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. A. Cahn - Senior Researcher: Speak to him in Containment Block Baird to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Annette Garrick - Gate CEO.: Read the email "Where's the data from?" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Sarah Frake - Head Engineer: Speak to her in Manufacturing West to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Hilda V. Dixon - Field Researcher: Read the email "The dog thing" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Richard K. Moyer - Office Sector Supervisor: Read the email "OFFICE SUPPLY CROSSBOWS" and view the attachement to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Elanor Newman - Particle Physicist: Speak to her in the Labs Sector to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Lenora Riggs - Transrecon Operator: Read the email "RE: 178 Containment" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Moira Shepherd - Data Scientist: Read the email "Data Leakage" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Ru Tang - Exo-Biologist: Read the email "New seeds" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.
  • Dr. Steven Stewart - Particle Physicist: Speak to him to unlock this entry. He is hiding in the security office in the Office Sector that overlooks the entrance to Manufacturing West.
  • Dr. Suan Tengku - Physicist: Read the email "What's going on?" and view the attachment.
  • Dr. Chris Jagger - Alleged Employee: Read the email "Dr. Jagger's funding" and view the attachment to unlock this entry.


  • Temporal Tethering - Why do portal worlds reset?: Unlocked via a Hologram in the Level 3 Executive Offices of the Office Sector.
  • The Synchrotron - The GATE Cascade Research Facility Collider: Read the email "OVERLOAD" to unlock this entry. Additional information is unlocked by talking to Frake repeatedly when first meeting her.
  • The Dark Lens - Tachyonic Telemetry Targeting (T3) Unit
  • Fog Phenomenon - Weather: Unlocked when a Fog Phenomenon Weather Event begins.
  • Radiation Leak - Weather: Unlocked when a Radiation Leak Weather Event begins.
  • Airborne Spores - Weather: Unlocked when an Airborne Spores Weather Event begins.