Sarah Frake

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Dr. Sarah Frake is the lead engineer of the GATE Cascade Research Facility. She created a plan to blow the Synchrotron to open a way to the Labs Sector from Manufacturing West.




They're with the Research Division! Don't shoot!
It's safe, you can come up!
Get a move on!


I don't know how you made it this far, those savages have blocked every exit - they even collapsed the surface tunnel! But remember what happened in '85, when the kinetics team overloaded the synchrotron!? They triggered a singularity that carved a hole clean through to the next Sector! We could do it again right now ... if these damn quakes hadn't broken the electron pumps. So I sent my team to the Blacksmith. he can make parts to fix the pumps - we'll make our own exit! You can wait here, you'll be safe, just don't get in the way.


Are you going to stand around staring - or do something useful?
The science team never listens, and look what happened.
Whatever those soldiers were expecting, it wasn't this.


All my people need to do is follow the pipes, red, yellow, green - they'll find their way to the pumps they need to fix. It's been hours since they left, but they'll be back, I'm sure of it.
If the Blacksmith can make the parts to fix the electron pumps, we'll blow the synchrotron to kingdom come. A little extreme, perhaps, but clearly the rules have changed and I don't hear any better plans.
I'll be sorry to sacrifice that beautiful machine, but we're past worrying about property damage.
I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say 'I told you so'.
The science team would like to forget it happened - but it did, and we're going to do it again. But this time, it won't be an accident.
The smartest thing you can do, is keep your head down.
You should leave this to engineers - we built this equipment, we understand it.



I have to admit, you surprised me. I had to come and see this for myself. You gonna do the honors?


I wouldn't say we have a lot of time.
This is either going to work, or it's not. I think it's time we find out.
If you're not going to press that button, I will.

Success (Synchrotron activated)

OH my GOD.

Completion (Synchrotron activated)

There's your EXIT! Nothing a micro-blackhole couldn't take care of! Now you can get into Labs. We'll follow soon, but I'm not leaving any of my team behind. You could be useful, try not to get yourself killed.


This place is done for. I don't know why you're sticking around.
If you see any of my team, tell them you've found a way out.
I think the soldiers are running out of ammo, but we're not safe yet ...


A number of Frake's engineers are met in Maufacturing West.