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Symphonist is a hostile creature found in Flathill and during Fog Phenomenon Weather Events.


Symphonists are blind, relying purely on sound to detect threats. Certain enemies will flee upon encountering them.

Symphonists are repelled by Symphonist Scarecrow Symphonist Scarecrows.

Combat Tips

The Symphonist is a very durable entity that requires lot of damage to kill it. Electrical-based weapons has no effect on it. It attacks by charging into the player and attempt to swipe them with it's claws or a rolling attack.

If it gets damage it attempt to make illusions of itself which eventually disappears which after that it returns to attack the player. During this time the Symphonist stays still, giving the player to reposition or reload until it attempt to attack it or one of the illusions.

The Symphonist can pick up and throw the player a short distance, which usually doesn't do any damage, but caution should be taken if fought near areas where fall damage can be an issue, such as the higher floors of the Containment Cells in the Lab Sector.


Item Quantity Chance
Symphonist Head Symphonist Head 1 100%
Porcelain Shards Porcelain Shards 2-3 50%
Porcelain Key Porcelain Key 0-1 8%
Organ Organ 0-1 5%