Furniture Store

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Furniture Store is one of several Portal Worlds the player can discover.


As the name suggests, this Portal World is a furniture store. It's quite dark inside, so a source of light is recommended. As the only other source will be the lightning flashing outside. The entire store is surrounded by Zombies beating on the windows. Inside there's various styles of furniture available for the player to package.

In order to leave, the player will need to find and press 5 buttons to power the lift in the center of the store. Leaving the Portal World by any means and coming back will shuffle the location of the buttons, as well as requiring the player to re-push any previously pressed buttons. Once the lift is powered, it will take the player to the top floor of the building. Where they'll have a chance of interacting with a Email Terminal before exiting this Portal World.


  • Be prepared:
    • A fully charged Makeshift Headlamp Makeshift Headlamp is strongly recommended. A secondary light source, such as a Flashlight Flashlight, is useful when not in combat.
    • Be well-rested, fed, and hydrated.
    • Bring a melee weapon of some kind. The Lightning Spear Lightning Spear is particularly effective.
    • Bring a shield to block Zombie attacks. The Charge Shield Charge Shield has a chance to stun them.
  • No Zombies will spawn until one of the five buttons are pressed, so you can loot first safely.
  • Use the Flashlight before pressing any of the buttons to save your Headlamp charge.
  • You can drop items on the elevator to collect later, to keep yourself from being overencumbered. This is useful because the unique weapons found here are on the heavier side.
  • The buttons appear at random locations throughout the store every time, so locate them before pressing any of them.
  • If there are any buttons in the basement, start there and work your way up.
  • Move quickly from one button to the next. The less time you take, the less Zombies will spawn.
  • Once all buttons are pressed, head to the elevator immediately.
  • The button outside the portal acts as a manual reset, shuffling the button locations and stopping the Zombies from spawning.


The only enemies in this area are Zombies. They will only start spawning inside after the first button is pressed. Each subsequent button press causes their spawn rate to increase.




  • It was noted that the location of the Furniture Store is somewhere in Boston.