The Train

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The Train is one of several Portal Worlds the player can discover.


Unlike other Portal Worlds, this one is constantly in motion. Even more notable, it is one of the "Immurement Subject" in the game. It must constantly stay fueled to keep moving, lest its built up speed cause catastrophic destruction.

At the time of the player arrival, the Order are already present, with one still living GATE member still fueling the Train nonstop. An Order Captain asks the GATE employee the purpose of the train, and why it should be remained fueled. However, due to the staff member's mental instability, they are unable to provide a coherent answer, only speaking of the possibility of doom should the train slow to a stop.




  • Train Replica Train Replica: In the second GATE car, down the ladder, on a desk.


  • Dr. Hammond is unfortunately the only one left behind to keep The Train fueled, who spends his time muttering to himself.
  • The codename IS-0138 was given to the anteverse the train inhabits, as well as the train itself.