Abe Stern

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Dr. Abraham "Abe" Stern is a scientist seen in multiple locations. He is always accompanied by Dr. Janet Ross.


Office Sector Physics Lab D


Abe: That ... was a very, very, bad idea.
Janet: Just breathe, Abe, we'll get through this just fine.
Abe: We need to shut that place down, now.
Janet: There's no point, Abe. The portal will just reset. You know that.
Abe: What is that sound?
Janet: Calm down, Abe.


Abe: I'm 83% sure we're doomed.
Janet: You'll have to forgive my colleague, Abe, he's had a bit of a shock. We tried to get out through Flathill, and ... well... some people ... died. Then some genius deactivated the Composer containment system. So, clearly, we need to find another exit out of here, and that's looking like Manufacturing West. I don't exactly enjoy the idea, but our options are... limited.


Abe: Janet, what are we going to do?
Janet: We're going to head through Manufacturing, then take the Surface Tunnel out of here ... when you're ready, Abe ... so ... just try to calm down.
Abe: Manufacturing? It's huge. We'll never make it.
Janet: I told you it was going to get worse before it gets better.
Abe: Why are you still here, are you insane?
Janet: What are you waiting for? Get to Manufacturing. We'll be along as soon as Abe's ... feeling better.
Janet: Sure Abe, we'll get you your big lasers. Listen, we're not staying here one minute longer than we have to. I just need to look after my colleague first.

Labs Sector Electro-Pest Scene


Janet: Are you sure about this, Abe?
Abe: Of course I'm sure, Janet.
Janet: Do you remember the pocket dimension? ... I remember the pocket dimension.
Abe: This is completely different - we're fighting fire with fire! Manse never let me try this, but if I can just bootstrap the neural array ... I should be able to ... ah ha! ... oh ... oh no! Janet!
Janet: Ohmygod it's loose!
Abe: Run, Janet!

Labs Sector Hallway


Abe: Oh, you're back.
Janet: Are you feeling all right?
Abe: I'm glad you're still with us.
Janet: But you look terrible.
Abe: Are you thirsty? There's this ... soda.
Janet: Abe, don't even think about it.


Abe: Janet got us back into Labs, and we had a plan ... although it didn't quite work out. Now, we've got a NEW plan ... But first, we need to get into the Containment Block and access our equipment ...
Janet: But wouldn't you know it, they've revoked our security clearance - because who needs it during an emergency? I suppose we could head back to the office sector, down that way, and hope Warren's got a plan to save us, but that's about as likely as Thule winning a Nobel Prize. We've got to find some other way into the Containment Block, or this is the end of the road.


Abe: I'd say this makes the top five worst things that have ever happened here.
Janet: We're never going to live this down.
Abe: Do you ever get lonely down here, Janet?
Janet: I'm just fine with lonely, Abe.
Abe: I'm going to miss this hallway.
Janet: It's just walls, tiles, and some weird drinks machine that nobody except you ever uses. But I know what you mean.


Abe: I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, so let's just say - there's certain substances in the Containment Block that could be very helpful right now.
Janet: We just need to get in there.
Abe: The Wildlife Pens are full of testing gear, which could be useful for getting into Containment, but it's an absolute zoo in there right now.
Janet: We could try the adjustment wing, too. Every time I'm in there, they've got some new piece of fancy equipment. They get ALL the new gear.
Abe: I hear those gun-toting apes stole the dark lens, and caused this whole kerfuffle. Didn't you work on that project, Janet?
Janet: I advised, Abe. What are you trying to say?
Abe: Have you seen that strange material growing on the vacuum chamber? They've totally let this sector go.
Janet: I haven't been there for a while, but it can't be as bad as what happened in Reactors. That took months to clean up.
Abe: You know this cola's really not too bad.
Janet: You mean the soda that just appears in the vending machine and no-one knows where it comes from? And even if you unplug it, it keeps working? That's some quality refreshment right there, Abe.