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Flathill is one of several Portal Worlds the player can discover.


Flathill, once a quiet township in South Dakota, USA, was chosen by GATE as a site to experiment with portal technology, in hopes of creating a portal network. The covert Crown Control Facility was established, disguised as a high fructose corn syrup factory named "Flathill Syrup Co."

The first "perforation" to Anteverse I was successful, but unexpectedly allowed gigantic alien beings, dubbed Composers, to cross over. A dense fog began to envelop the town, theorized to be generated by the Composers themselves. The township was evacuated and portal suppression technology was employed to close the portal to Anteverse I, powered by Power Cells. This prevented any additional Composers from being brought into our universe, but also cut off access to Anteverse I, making any further research into their origins impossible.

At some point during their assault on Cascade, the Order carried out an attack on Flathill, killing the research staff there.

Several scientists, including Janet Ross and Abe Stern, attempted to escape the facility via Flathill, but were unsuccessful due to the Order and the roaming Composers.

By the time the player visits Flathill, the only living human still present is a resident named Marion.


  • Be prepared:
    • You will not be doing any fighting on your first visit, so leave most of your weapons behind for extra inventory space. Only bring what you need to defend yourself from enemies on the way to and from Silo 3.
    • Be well-rested, fed, and hydrated.
    • Bring a Hazardous Materials Suit Hazardous Materials Suit, but only put it on after you grab the first Power Cell Power Cell. Alternatively, you can take Iodine Tablets Iodine Tablets.
    • If you use a Hazardous Materials Suit, you will get thirsty faster, so bring some extra water in the form of a Water Bottle Water Bottle or a high-hydration soup.
  • There is an exit portal close to the start of the area. Make use of it to deposit loot collected from Bounty Basket and other locations near the start.
  • Composers are deaf, so it's safe to run as long as they don't see you. However, sneaking still helps make you harder to spot.
  • If you are spotted by a Composer, run to a place where they can't get to you. Stay away from the opening, as they will reach in and attempt you grab you.
    • Composers can crouch through taller doors, such as the Courthouse entrance and the Library exit. Hiding and staying out of sight for a while will cause them to return to their usual patrol path.
  • Some doors can be unlocked from the other side to open up shortcuts. Doing so will make future visits easier.
  • The final Composer in the server room is unavoidable. It will see you when you exit the elevator. There are some vents to hide in nearby, though, so you can wait there for the Composer to stop chasing you.


The main enemies in this area are Composers. They're indestructible, so it's best to avoid their attention.

Symphonists only appear on subsequent visits to the town after completing it once, and spawn in fewer locations, as well as less frequently. Unlike their bigger brothers, they are able to be killed, but have a large amount of health. They can also be avoided, however: they're blind, so keeping quiet is enough to avoid them.


This particular Portal World is very valuable as a renewable resource of common crafting items. It becomes the primary source of some items after looting all of them in the Office Sector.

Bounty Basket

Sweet Freeze


  • Hard Hat Hard Hat: One inside the sewer and another next to one of the open manholes.


  • Basic Backpack Basic Backpack: Not very useful by this point, but have more color varieties and can be scrapped for cloth.


Flathill Syrup Company


Furniture items found throughout Flathill:


  • Composer Figurine Composer Figurine: Found in the server room with the last Composer, on top of one of the server racks.


  • The name Flathill and the thick fog are fairly obvious references to Silent Hill.
  • The coordinates given for Flathill in the First Day Trailer are 44.076N, -103.228W, which match that of Rapid City, South Dakota.