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IS-0173, more commonly known as the Pest is a hostile creature found in the Facilities that is originally from Anteverse II. It is a rather small creature, taking the shape of a spiked potato or bread loaf, and is the most common creature encountered. It prefers to hide in various nooks and corners to ambush it's prey, be it under desks, in vents, or behind boxes.

It is believed to be the second evolution stage of the Carbuncle, with it eventually evolving into the dog-like hunter known as the Peccary.



  • Type: Leap Attack
  • Range: Effective range seems to be 3-4 storage crate distance.
  • Effect: Deals damage and may cause bleeding.
  • Danger: Low individually, but overwhelming in groups of 3 or more.


  • Slowly hopping around designed area.

Combat Tips:

  • Dodge: Sidestep right before it reels itself in.
  • Crouch: Precise timing - crouch as soon as the attack animation starts.
Sidestep Dodge
Crouch Dodge

  • Melee: Effective after dodging or crouching the attack. Use any weapon, however blunt-based weapons do more damage
  • Range: Dies instantly from any kind of range weapon such as the Makeshift Crossbow
  • Throw Net Throw Net: Stuns and allows for a stomp to kill, provides Bio Scrap Bio Scrap.
  • Pest Trap Pest Trap: Captures the Pest alive.
  • Shield Block: Possible with shields (e.g. Plastic Shield Plastic Shield)

Harvestable Drops

Item Quantity Chance
Raw Pest Raw Pest 0-1 75%
Raw Pest Rump Raw Pest Rump 0-1 75%
