Moira Shepherd

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Dr. Moira Shepherd is a scientist found hiding in the upper area of the Gym in the Office Sector.



Is there a human out there?
Is nowhere safe?


I thought this might be a safe place to wait until they sorted this out... Whatever 'this' is. Looks like I was wrong. That useless rent-a-cop in the plaza said to go through Manufacturing, then head for the Surface Tunnel I suppose... But that's a whole sector away! If they think I'm walking all that way, through their toxic machine shops, they can think again.


I'm not ready yet... just a little longer... Maybe they'll fix this and I can get back to my work. I have samples denaturing as we speak!
Gah, gymnasiums. I hate them! Sweaty shrines to insecurity.
At least nothing in the C-Blocks has escaped... as far as we know.