Steven Stewart

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Dr. Steven Stewart is a scientist hiding in the Security Office on Level 2 of the Office Sector.



Do you have ANY idea what's going on?! Oh, have you only got blue clearance, too? I've been hiding here since those goons attacked that poor technician down there. Is he even still breathing? I can't bear to look. Something has happened to the perforation system - the portalsl have gone haywire, but that shouldn't be able to happen... If only we know what was happening in Labs right now!


I'm staying right here. Anything else is crazy. If the portal system has malfunctioned, there's no telling what could have found its way into the facility.
I don't know what happened. They're saying evacuate, but have you seen what's prowling around out there? Clearly some escapees from the Wildlife Pens! Things must be really bad if we can't even keep basic containment protocols in check.
Good luck out there.


  • In the demo of Abiotic Factor, Dr. Stewart was instead Dr. Sukov, with a different appearance and voice.