Weather Event

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Weather Events are a gameplay mechanic introduced in Update 0.8.2 that cause the entire facility to experience certain weather phenomena.

An announcement will be heard right before the weather event is triggered.

Weather events last for a full day, with occurrence every few weeks.

Fog Phenomenon

The entire facility is engulfed by a thick fog. Unlike in Flathill, the fog much is more concentrated, further decreasing visibility and causing navigation to be extremely difficult. During this event, Symphonists will appear in the facility.

Radiation Leak

Introduces ambient radiation of 0.25 r/sec, accompanied by green fog.

Airborne Spores

The facility is engulfed in an orange haze with spores in the air, much like the weather in The Mycofields, however, the ambient temperature is unaffected. Shroom Peccary will spawn in the place of normal Peccary throughout the facility and the player has a chance to receive the Spore Infection status effect if not wearing any protection against spores.