Elanor Newman

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Dr. Elanor Newman is the creator of the Dark Lens.



They destroyed it.
Did they know what they were doing?
I can't fix this.


You know what this is, don't you? The Dark Lens ... the core of our perforation research ... Or it was. I'd heard rumors of a threat, there are always rumors ... but this is insane. They killed everyone, then removed the Lens ... Without it, how are we supposed to control the portals? ... they could appear anywhere ... connect to anything ... Do they realize what they've done?


It's almost like they knew our system's weakness ...
I think that's Dr. Verenkov over there ...
People called it the Dark Lens, but that's so ... portentous. Technically, it's a tachyonic telemetry targeting unit ... I should know, I invented it.
I thought about using the portals to get out of there, of course I did! But without the Lens they're impossible to predict, let alone control. And besides, exits ground near entries. If you don't get stranded in some random anteverse, you'll just end up dumped in another part of the facility.
Is this my fault?


She can be found sitting in front of the Dark Lens in the Labs Sector.