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Objects is the term used in Abiotic Factor Wiki to anything you can package, interact with, assemble, destroy or pick up from the world. When aiming at object on close range, they will either show an outline around them, offer interactions or display an aim icon.

We categorize objects based on what's possible to do with them.

Interactable Objects

An interactable Terminal with its available interactions

Interactable Objects are objects the player can be interacted with either by pressing or holding the interaction or secondary interaction buttons. When aimed at by the player, the object will have a blue outline and present their interactions on the player's HUD.

Deployable Objects

A deployed object with its available interactions, including Package

Deployable Objects or simply deployables are objects you can carry in your inventory in the packaged form and place them in the world, sometimes requiring addition assembling using a Screwdriver. These objects are acquired either by crafting or by packaging items found in the world. Deployable Objects also have all the characteristics from Interactable Objects.

Pickup Objects

A Pickup Object showing the Pickup interaction and the aim icon

Pickup Objects are interactable objects which only have the Pickup interaction. These items are also identified by an aim icon of a closed hand. Once the pickup interaction is triggered, they disappear from the world giving the player some items.

Destroyable Objects

A destroyable object, identified by the break icon

Destroyable Objects are objects that do not fit in other categories, but can be destroyed in order to get resources. These objects are identified by an icon when aiming at them.