Hasta Tria

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Inq. Hasta Tria is a non-hostile Lab Rat sitting at the collapsed Surface Tunnel in Manufacturing West.



Do not shoot! Do NOT SHOOT! We are together in this perdition!
I'm without weapons!
I seek only an exit!


We came here to cleanse, and protect, but this chaos is beyond our ability to suppress. We are beset by demons from the depths of the mines! And that termagent FRAKE has holed herself up in the Processing Plant! I must warn my betheren [sic], this course is impossible! But our engineers collapsed this tunnel, to ensure no egress. We need another way to bring tidings of this terror to the Tribunal. Frake is concealing the escape from us! I am sure of it! She hides in her fortress, letting us rot here!


This was not the covenant!
There is no justice in further conflict.


My legates would anull me if I return, but I will find a way from this limbo. Frake's fortress is not impregnable. She knows the secrets of the sarcophagus, and she will be made to reveal them.
Understand me when I say, there is no pathway here.
The Divinitors may punish me for my dereliction, but I must warn them! There are worse things to fear here than ... excommunication. It is imperative that my legates understand the scale of this disorder.