Petra Peters

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Dr. Petra Peters is a scientist found in the security office of Containment Block Anning in Cascade Laboratories.



You got through!
Are the turrets down?
We can't let it escape.


You made it past the turrets ... You're the first! I've been locked in here since we contained I.S. one-two-one. For its own safety, as much as ours! Such an incredible specimen, and not just its size. The capacitance of its circulatory fluid is extraordinary! Just a few drops contains enough energy to power an entire portal network ... We've barely begun to understand the possibilities!


The Tarasque is incredible, but we had to make sure it couldn't reach the other specimen. If they managed to ... uh ... well, you know ... the energy released would be ... unthinkable.
The Tarasque is massive, but in its home anteverse it's almost microscopic. Can you imagine what else exists there? I'm sure the Gatekeepers would have brought home even bigger specimens if they could.
It was never meant to exist here ...
What's going to happen now ... I don't know ...