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Tarasque is a hostile creature found in the Containment area in the Labs Sector.


  • Watches red Tarasque in lower pen.
  • Will aggro to player when they're close enough

Combat Tips

The Tarasque is a formidable and resilient opponent that necessitates substantial firepower and weaponry to defeat. Most of its body is heavily armored, leaving only three vulnerable areas: the head, the tentacles on its chest, and the back flaps, which become exposed when it kneels - it does so once the tentacles on its chest suffer enough damage.

Beware that the Tarasque hits extremely hard and capable of sending the player backwards which staggers them, one requires to be heavily armored or at least their Fortitude skill high enough to withstand it's heavy attacks.

The Tarasque is vulnerable to electrical and ranged weapons, so it is recommended that players equip themselves with weapons that deal electrical or fire damage. Additionally, players may use traps or decoys, such as a tamed Pest or an Electro-Pest, as the Tarasque will attack these first. But note that the Pest will stop attacking if the Tarasque kneels down.


  • The red Tarasque is currently unreachable.


  • Due to an immense disjunction in scale, the Tarasque is near-microscopic in its home anteverse, but a giant in ours.
    • The full extent of its growth is currently unknown.
  • The Tarasque is named after the French mythical creature of the same name.