The Blacksmith

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The Blacksmith is a friendly NPC located within Manufacturing West. He never leaves his forge, and can trade a limitless amount of materials with the player. He plays an integral part in fixing The Synchrotron.


The Blacksmith wears a Fire Proximity Suit. There is not much known about his physical appearance under the suit.


Items can be traded with The Blacksmith, by dropping them directly into the chute to the right. Items are then collected from the trader output. These are traded at a one-to-one ratio. If an item is dropped into the chute that is not listed on the input, it slides out of the bottom exit.

Input Output
Reinforced Hose Reinforced Hose Optic Lens Optic Lens
Axle Grease Axle Grease Diode Diode
Solder (Material) Solder (Material) Fibre Optic Cable Fibre Optic Cable
Air Compressor Air Compressor Fire Proximity Suit Fire Proximity Suit
Metal Scrap Metal Scrap Cement Bag Cement Bag
Super Tomato Super Tomato High-Vis Vest High-Vis Vest
Security Bot CPU Security Bot CPU Anvil Anvil
Military Electronics Military Electronics Steel Cable Steel Cable
Anteverse Wheat Anteverse Wheat Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric Acid
Anomaly Anomaly Rebar Rebar
Order Helmet Order Helmet Welding Mask Welding Mask


First Visit


Where'd you come from?
You need somethin'?
Quick, 'fore they come back.
You're not one'a Frake's people, are ya?


Look, we don't got a lot of time. Radio's out, Frake's gone AWOL, and the place is crawling with gunned-up psycho cowboys. They ain't shut me down yet, but folk like you need to be gettin' to the surface tunnel. Roadway's locked up tight, so you need to find a way through the security doors up there ... Maybe you can hack through somehow - they don't exactly leave the codes lyin' around, if you know what I mean. If you need somethin', though, I can help - equipment, gear, whatever - I can make it, if you got what I need.


I don't know whatcha planning, but it better be something smart.
You're not one'a Frake's people, are ya?


I got a lot of fabrication gear back here. You need somethin', I can make it, if you got somethin' to trade - getting' a little low on some necessities back here.
I've seen some crazy stuff down here. Workin' with Frake's been a trip. First time we've been invaded, though. If I were you, I'd heard for the surface tunnel. Get your ass outta here.
These military guys come past, heard 'em talking... Sounded like somethin' from a book, you know, real old school ...
Just don't go asking for no hot air balloon.

Second Visit

Returning to The Blacksmith after speaking to Frake yields new dialogue.


Frake wants to blow a hole in the floor? She's too smart for her own good sometimes, but what choice we got? I can trade you parts to fix the pumps, sure. But there's a couple things I need first - price'a doing business - cause Frake ain't the only one with plans. I'll buzz the list to ya. One more thing - you're gonna have to unlock the tram station, too. One'a Frake's people, said there's a gateway in there. If that portal leads where I think it does, some'a what's on that list is on the other side. I'll give you specs for a Tram Key, should open the station right up.


Most of what I need's round here somewhere, but you might needa go a little ... further ... afield. There's places that ain't on the map, if you know what I mean ... So look around the tram station, 'cause it's more than just a bus stop. Best'a luck.
They ain't gettin' in here any time soon, but you gotta be careful, okay? The cleaners are gonna have enough on their hands. Haha. Look after yourself, okay?

Completion (Synchrotron activated)

Heard the explosion from here. Place shook like a snowglobe. But what are you doin' back? Need somethin?


Don't worry about me, I seen worse, I think.
You find a way out, send help, alright?
Need me to make you something?


  • Curiously enough, The Blacksmith does not have a journal entry under the "People" section.