Warren Bunning

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Warren Bunning is a security officer seen in in the Office Sector plaza, inside the security kiosk.



Hey, do I know you?
Come here, mate.
Well, this is just bonza.


Look, I dunno what's going on. They don't tell me squat on a good day, and this ISN'T a good day. But if the big voice says get out, I'd do what she says. Elevators are dead, so head for the main tunnel in Manufacturing, on Level 2. There's maps over there. But me, I'm stayin' right here.


What're you gonna do, just stand there?
I got a gun ... just sayin'.


Reckon I'm leaving here? I don't think so. Radio's dead, half the doors are buggered, and now there's these little hoppy things everywhere. You're on your own.
Unless you get a move on, you're gonna end up as tucker for some frilly peg leg drongo from God knows where. NOT a good look. You're smarter than that. Or you should be. I've seen those Science Team paychecks.
Saw a buncha eggheads heading to the Silos on Level 3 earlier. Tried to tell 'em about Manufacturing, but they weren't having a bar of it.
Facility's looking pretty rough - and you're hangin' around like a bad smell. I'd be looking at pushing through to manufacturing if I were you. But I'm not. So... that's on you.
Still stuck here, huh? How about those life choices. Anyway, It's time you got on your bike, I reckon. Smart sort like you. Science your way outta here.

Completion (Accessed Manufacturing)

Ha, you got through into Manufacturing. Guess you ran into some issues, or you wouldn't be back here. Or you just looking for the 'suggestion box'?


Reckon you know what you need to do, and if you don't, well, don't look at me.
Gotta admit, I figured an underground facility'd be a bit more safe than this.
What? Something on my face?


  • There several mentions from other GATE staff members stating about how Warren being incompetent at his job.