Labs Sector

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Labs Sector consists of multiple levels of laboratories, small offices and recreational areas, and containment areas, arranged in a semicircle around a central elevator, separate by multiple floors. Due to how classified the experiments of the sector, only the Wildlife Pens is mapped likely for public viewing.

In contrast to the previous 2 sectors, there is more evident of combat as piles of dead Gate staff members and Order militia are scattered all over the place. Another is the containment failure which lead to multiple entities to escape during the chaos one notorious being was the Leyak.


  • Labs - Located in proximity to the Wildlife Pens. It has a cold storage room and a laser lab. Another is there bunch of "Converter" platforms which the player can trade for Refined Carbon, Anteverse Gem, Liquid Crystal or Greyeb Seed
  • Containment Cells - A multi-floor structure design to hold certain entities, some which are separate into different blocks. Main "hallway" is accessible via an elevator-like tram.
    • Cell Block Helmholtz - Located in the 3rd floor of the Containment Cells, it is a high security area that is heavily guarded by defense turrets for one reason: to keep zombies from escaping the containment cell and infect the other staff members. There are also other cells for highly dangerous Immurement Subjects such as The Red Chair.
    • Cell Block Dirac - A cell where several small sized IS are stored, it is also the way to reach Cell Block Helmholtz, Curie and Annie. The Antique Shotgun and the Gravity Dampener is found here.
    • Cell Block Baird - An uniquely separate containment cell that the Unassuming Bell is held as well as another room containing an unknown IS. Dr. Cahn is inside when the player first encounter him.
    • Cell Block Curie - A cell block that is above Cell Block Dirac, currently inaccessible.
    • Cell Block Annie - A massive cell block that holds the Tarasque. Located in the same floor next to Helmholtz.
  • Wildlife Pens - The forefront of the sector at least in public. It holds an alien pen for Sow Peccaries (and rarely an Alpha Peccary). An alien aquarium can be seen as well. It is also where the tram station is located, which connects to the 3rd floor of the Containment Cells as well as back to the Office Sector.
  • Particle Lab -
  • XR Containment - A special containment area for the Leyak.
  • Adjustment Wing - Located in the 2nd floor within the Containment Cells. Interconnects to the Labs.





  • A Fizz Vending Machine that sells a 5 dollar Kizz Cola Kizz Cola is actually an Immurement Subject, although the drinks it provides are random due to a bug affecting all vending machines.