Security Robot

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Designed to protect GATE Facilities from internal threats, the GATE Automated Security Sentience (G.A.S.S.) program was initiated in 1985 after the infamous Torii Facility 'Decompression' event.
~ GATE Compendium

The Security Robot is a hostile enemy found in the Facilities. It notably only comes out at night unless the player damages it considerably while in its charging station.


The Security Robot patrols during the night and is hostile to entities, Order soldiers, and the player or Deployable Objects placed by the player near its patrol path.

It will also activate if the player causes significant damage to it while attacking it in its charging cell.

It had several types of melee attacks:

  • Thunder Fist: Standard attack with limited range, capable of stunning.
  • Shock Tackle: Quick dash attack initiated at close range, capable of stunning.
  • Spin Attack: Triggers if multiple enemies or players within melee.


While the Security Robot is a durable and strong enemy, it is slow, allowing the player to use range weapons or escape if needed. Several of its melee attacks can dodged. Usage of traps or defenses is also helpful, as the Security Robot can be lured to it.

  • Recommended Weapons:
    • Melee: Makeshift Spear Makeshift Spear (due to outranging normal attacks)
    • Ranged: e.g. Makeshift Crossbow Makeshift Crossbow
    • The Electro-Thrower Electro-Thrower is by far the most effective weapon for handling Security Robot, as it can indefinitely stun-lock them while doing significant damage.
    • Thrown: Two Mugnade Mugnades can quickly take out a Security Robot, as long as you don't forget to take a distance from the explosion.
  • Effective Strategies:
    • Setting up deployable base defenses such as Chopinators and Tesla Coils immediately in front of the robot's charging station and attacking until the robot activates is a very effective and relatively risk-free method of destroying Security Robots
    • Use ranged weapons or the Makeshift Spear to attack from outside the robot's Thunder Fist range.
    • Sidestep to dodge the Shock Tackle.
    • Avoid close-quarters combat when there are multiple players to minimize the risk of a Spin Attack.
    • On the Second floor of the Office Sector, you can find an exposed live electric wire hanging loose nearby the Reception. Having the Security Robot walk into this wire not only repeatibly stunlock it, but can also quickly take it out as well, if you get it lined up properly, allowing you to conserve on precious resources. Don't run into the wire yourself though!


Security Robots always drop one of each of the following:

Harvestable Drops

Item Quantity Chance
Metal Scrap Metal Scrap 10-12 50%
Glass Scrap Glass Scrap 1-2 50%
Tech Scrap Tech Scrap 5-7 50%
Coil Coil 1-2 50%