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Zombie is a hostile creature found in the Containment Block Helmholtz and in the Furniture Store.


Zombies' are former GATE employees, as well as random individuals from Anteverse 23, afflicted by IS-0102, a symbiote from Anteverse 16 known as "The Love Potion".


Zombies move very slowly at all times. They are capable of seeing players through doors, but are unable to open them on their own. When near a dead body, and unaware of the player, they bend down and attempt to feed on any nearby corpses. They will attack anything including the player within range.

Combat Tips

Zombies are quite frail and slow, a few swings with a melee weapon are usually sufficient to defeat them. Shooting them in the head with a ranged weapon will usually kill them instantly.

If they latch onto the player, they will bite, causing the player to become infected with "A Strange Virus". This incurable effect causes intense vomiting and dehydration, followed by death.

Zombies compensate for their slow movement with large numbers, which can become dangerous in the Furniture Store as the player progresses through the store.


  • Civilian Zombies have a chance to drop the:
  • Currently, in version, carving marks don't show when trying to harvest them.
  • Zombies will later spawn in different parts of the Labs Sector after the player unlocks Containment Block Helmholtz.