Armored Exor

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Icon metabolicfield.png This page is about Armored Exor. For other similar uses, see Exor (disambiguation).

The Armored Exor is an enemy entity found in the Hydroplant. It is the second evolved variant of the Exor.



All IS-0184C containment sites must deploy Grade 5 impact shielding, heavy blast dampening and electrical grounding rated to 2MW, with full acoustic baffling and an approved one-way accession portal.

However, the combinations of heavy chitinous armor, bioelectrical tracking projectiles and ultrasonic vocalizations has, in practice, meant that anything less than permanent sedation of IS-018AC carries considerable risk of injury or death to assigned researchers.

The subject is the most aggressive and destructive known variant of IS-0184A and IS-0184B, and provides further evidence for a growing weight of GATE research that indicates the intervention of an external agent in the evolution of this lifeform.


Armored Exor can be seen wandering lone in remote places in the Hydroplant. It is hostile to Order soldiers, Defense Robots and the player.

In contrast to it's "cousins" this Exor variant is capable of teleportation along with the Exor's "quill" range attacks. It also has another attack where it throw energy bombs in almost similarity to an electron grenade.

Combat Tips

Far more dangerous than the Exor with twice durability, it can be defeated by either range or melee weapons but beware of it's attacks as it can inflict heavy damage. Beware that it is capable of teleportation and henceforth it is recommended to kill it as soon as possible. It's range attacks can inflict bleeding.

The Armored Exor is weak against acid or electrical-based weapons while highly resistant to firearms.

Harvestable Drops

Item Quantity Chance
Raw Exor Heart Raw Exor Heart 1 100%
Vibrant Exor Arm Vibrant Exor Arm 1 100%
Exor Quill Exor Quill 3-5 69.9%
Raw Alien Drumstick Raw Alien Drumstick 0-1 50%