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Medic is a hostile soldier found in Manufacturing West and Cascade Laboratories.


Like other Order soldiers, the Medic can be observed either stationary or patrolling alongside other soldiers. They are hostile to entities, robots and the player.

If there are downed Order soldiers nearby (identified by their position on all fours), the Medic will rush in to revive them.

Combat Tips

Besides their ability to revive downed allies, the Medic's behavior is basically the same as Grunts, so the same tips apply - they're also susceptible to sharp damage, will periodically try to move away from the player and will also try to attack in melee if the player is within melee range, with their melee attacks being easy to dodge if the player moves back when their melee attack animation starts. Shields can be used to block their shots and their melee attacks. Sneak attacks using high-damage sharp weapons or using Power Attacks with high-damage blunt weapons can take them out in a single hit if aimed to the head and if the player has the necessary Stealth perks and a Scrapshot shot to their head at point-blank range will also often kill them in a single hit.


Medic Helmet Medic Helmets only drop when hitting a Medic in the head while it's alive.

Item Quantity Chance
Military Electronics Military Electronics 0-1 50%
9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo 3-5 50%
Military Pack Military Pack 0-1 20%
Montese SMG Montese SMG 0-1 15%
Cracked Shoulder Light Cracked Shoulder Light 0-1 10%
Money Money 0-1 10%
Military M.R.E. Military M.R.E. 0-1 2.9%
Light Gun Repair Kit Light Gun Repair Kit 0-1 1.9%

Harvestable Drops

Item Quantity Chance
Human Skull Human Skull 1 100%
Human Arm (Military) Human Arm (Military) 0-1 50%


  • Unlike other Order enemies, the Medic lacks a Compendium entry. They likely fall under the umbrella of the Triarii (Grunts).
