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Leyak is a hostile entity that appears after entering XR Containment in the Labs Sector.


The Leyak is an entity of flesh, appearing to consist of a reddish flesh-covered skull with three eyes, with matted locks of black hair hanging off its scalp, as well as a partial spinal column and six ribs (three on each side). The top of its half mouth consists of sharp fang-like teeth. It has multiple whitish tentacles hanging from its head and appears to have a large pair of lungs.

It traverses the environment by hovering. It will almost always face the target player, even when the player is not within line of sight of the entity, unless it is being observed. It may, however, turn if the player gets too close.


The Leyak will move only when not within a direct line of sight or if beyond a certain distance. This includes when it is slightly obscured via windows. It cannot pass through walls, but it can pass through player-placed deployables and open doors. It emits a variety of short vocalizations that resemble sighs or moans.

It can be repelled with the X-Ray Tower or X-Ray Lamp (dropping Leyak Essence after doing so), or by the player staring at it unobstructed by any objects. Doors, windows, and fences do not seem to count. After approximately 10-30 seconds in direct line of sight, it will de-manifest and vanish.

It will seemingly only target one person at a time, and during that time it will only be visible to that player. Additionally, it will continue to target that person until their target has perished (however it is not yet verified if this is truly the case mechanic wise).

Should its target get too close, the Leyak will begin to attack them, emitting a wheezing sound. It will give chase if the player manages to distance themselves from this attack, even if the player is staring directly at them. When this occurs, an x-ray device is the only way to stop the Leyak from moving.

It cannot be harmed by any conventional means, and will re-manifest every 3-4 hours. It is also attracted to anyone who consumes Greyeb or Greyeb Chowder. It is not yet verified if this will enable it to switch targets. It also seems to have a smaller rest period between manifestations when their target is under the effect.


  • The Leyak seems to be based on the creature of the same name from Balinese folklore. According to legend, the Leyak takes the form of a severed head attached to dangling entrails, similar to the appearance of IS-0091 in game. Recordings by Dr. Manse confirm this connection, stating that IS-0091 was discovered in Indonesia, receiving its name from the locals.
  • Despite first being seen by Dr. Stern, Dr. Riggs is given the credit in the files. It is unclear whether this is as a result of the physio-psychological trauma induced by the Leyak during its containment, because Dr. Riggs was the head of the team that encountered it, or some other reason. It is also implied in "The First Week" update that Dr. Stern is seen as a go-to to inquire about the Leyak, despite him suffering a panic attack.
  • The update notes for v0.8.1 explain the increased appearance rate of the Leyak as Dr. Thule installing a device called an "X-Resonator."
    • Prior to this update, the Leyak appeared less often, and stopped appearing entirely after a few hours of gameplay.
    • Thule is mentioned again in the notes for a hotfix for this update, which fixed multiple instances of the Leyak appearing at once, one right after the other; Thule having adjusted the "XR tracker" to fix it. Curiously, this same note mentions the possibility of two other Leyaks existing, with not even Manse knowing where they are.
  • Given the effects of Greyeb, it is probable that the Leyak shares the same origin: the "Flesh Dimension."
  • Despite not having an apparent gender, the Leyak is considered as female by some members of the community. This seems to be mostly because of the death message when killed by a Leyak: [player] was widowed.
    • Additionally, the soft scream it made when spawning before 0.8.2 sounds feminine.
