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Held in disdain by their brethren for lapses of honor or, worse, spiritual failing, the Exulum are forced into the role of shock troops as penance. Their barred helmets represent their position as pariahs, forced to take the frontline until they have redeemed themselves in battle. Their ferocity reflects a faith that admits no further failure.
~ GATE Compendium

Penitents deployed on the frontlines by The Order to atone for their sins, Breachers are enemies found in various locations throughout the Cascade Laboratories. Wearing highly durable armor, and armed with pump-action shotguns they're a dangerous (albeit relatively rare) sight to see among Order soldiers and are predominantly encountered in the Labs Sector guarding high-value areas alongside other order soldiers, however they can also be encountered alone on solo patrols.


Breachers are often found patrolling or stationed at specific locations. Upon spotting an enemy, they will slowly advance toward the target and begin shooting from a distance. Like other Order soldiers, they will attack entities, robots and the player.

Combat Tips

Avoid using melee attacks, as the Breacher resists both types of melee damage and they are deadly at close range due to their shotgun. Ranged weapons are a better option, but most importantly because of their weakness to electricity, the Electro-Thrower Electro-Thrower and Electron Grenade Electron Grenades are very effective. A few bursts of the Electro-Thrower or 1-2 Electron Grenades will kill a Breacher.

Additionally, because Breachers will constantly move in the player's direction and always in a walking pace, they're predictable an easy to maneuver around, making it easy to stay in a relatively safe distance or to lead them towards traps. Beware that if you're in the Breacher's firing range while walking towards you, they'll fire their shotgun.

Shields can also be used to block their shotgun blasts. As there is a delay between each shot, it's possible to block these shots and use the time between shots to attack.


Item Quantity Chance
Military Electronics Military Electronics 1 100%
Cracked Shoulder Light Cracked Shoulder Light 1 100%
12g Buckshot 12g Buckshot 2-3 50%
Romag Shotgun Romag Shotgun 0-1 15%
Breacher Helmet Breacher Helmet 0-1 10%
Money Money 0-1 10%
Ornate Key Ornate Key 0-1 7%
Military M.R.E. Military M.R.E. 0-1 2.9%
Light Gun Repair Kit Light Gun Repair Kit 0-1 1.9%
Cloth Scrap Cloth Scrap 0-1 0.9%

Harvestable Drops

Item Quantity Chance
Human Skull Human Skull 1 100%
Human Arm (Military) Human Arm (Military) 0-1 50%
