GATE Scientist Bobblehead

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GATE Scientist Bobblehead is an item in Abiotic Factor.


GATE Scientist Bobblehead can be found in the Control Center in the Labs Sector. After disabling the turrets in this area, there is a server room in this area where a Breacher will be roaming through. Above this room, there is a vent that can be accessed with the use of a Jump Pad or a Ramp (Small), then inside the vent, some furniture (like a Small Shelf) can be placed to jump further up into the vent (if you have the Gravity Dampener or the Dangling Gravity Cube to jump higher) and finally get outside to find the Bobblehead. Alternatively, a ramp can be built using a Ramp (Small) and Bridges from the outside to reach the top of this area.