Charge Shield

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Charge Shield is a gear item in Abiotic Factor.



Military Electronics
Power Cell
Projection Matrix
Icon - Recipe Arrow.png
Crafting Bench
Charge Shield


When carrying a shield, holding down the Alt Fire button (default: right mouse button) raises the shield, blocking all non-energy incoming attacks, including gunfire. Damage from blocked attacks is completely negated, instead causing damage to the Shield equipped.

While blocking, the player character can attack, but doing so cancels the blocking stance.

Energy attacks bypass shields and cannot be blocked, dealing full damage to the player character even if they're blocking.

Shields do not vary in strength, only in Durability and special effects. The Charge Shield stuns enemies that strike the shield, as long as it has battery charge. If it runs out of battery, it can still be used for blocking, but won't cause the stun effect upon blocking.

Pressing the Holster key (default: H) while a Shield is being held will make the character holster the shield without holstering the current weapon/tool.

Because blocking and Power Attacks both use the Alt Fire key (and because Power Attack animations use both hands), it isn't possible to perform a Power Attack while holding a Shield - it's necessary to holster the Shield first.


Charge Shield can only be obtained through Crafting.