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Television is a deployable furniture item that can be found throughout the facility. These televisions play certain videos and audio, some for informing the player on what to do, others are just color bars. Most televisions in the facility currently are unique as it's plays a particular video only.

In Facility, Television Watches You! [Propaganda Distributer]
We count this as a Character that is seen in game.


TV #1: Power Your Science

Can be found in the Office Sector, in the small resting area close to the cafeteria kitchen.

TV #2: Resting is Essential

Can be found in the Office Sector level 2, just the next to the Security Office and near to the Maintenance Lift to Level 3.

TV #3: Portal Worlds

Can be found in the Office Sector level 3, in the Silo 2 Lounge.

TV #4: Forklift Certification

Can be found in the Manufacturing Sector, in the kitchen next to the Supply Room.

TV #5: Trams, Trams, Trams!

Can be found in the Manufacturing Sector in the Lot Oversite's small office, near to the Foundry where The Blacksmith is.

TV #6: Standby

Can be found in the Manufacturing Sector in the Alloy Handling building directly up the stairs. Just near to the large gate.

TV #7: Immurement and You

Can be found in the Labs Sector. It is located in the lobby at level 2.

TV #8: Emergency Broadcast System

It is found in the Furniture Store.

TV #9: Standby

It is located in the Labs Sector in the Containment Block Baird, where you'll first encounter Dr. Cahn. It is best to follow the story to unlock the cell before going in.