Statuses and Effects

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Status effects are granted under certain conditions (like equipping certain items, being under high or low temperatures, etc.) and can be positive or negative, providing either benefits or penalties while that status effect is active. Some effects have a limited duration, while others can be removed when some conditions are met.

Food and Water Status

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon wellfed.png Well Fed Your belly is full of food. +1 Health per sec
-10% Stamina drain rate
Icon hunger.png Not Hungry You aren't hungry.
Icon food.png Peckish You're fairly hungry.
Icon hungry.png Very Hungry You're experiencing severe stomach pangs. You must eat soon. +15% Fatigue drain rate
Icon horror.png Starvation You're dying from hunger. You need food immediately. +30% Fatigue drain rate
Icon mug.png Hydrated You have plenty of fluids inside of you. +1 Health per sec
Icon mug.png Not Thirsty You aren't thirsty.
Icon thirsty.png Dry Mouth Your mouth is quite dry.
Icon thirsty.png Very Thirsty You're nearing dehydration. Drink water soon! +20% Stamina drain rate
Icon panic.png Parched You're dying from thirst. You need water desperately. +40% Stamina drain rate
Icon happymug.png Copacetic You're well-fed, hydrated, and in your element. You lose 10% less stamina and you heal faster. Having both Well Fed and Hydrated +2 Health per sec
-10% Stamina drain rate

Toilet Need Status

Icon Name Description Source
Icon toilet single.png Nothing Urgent You don't need to use the toilet right now.
Navigation - Mini-games.png Toilet Required You need to relieve yourself soon.
Navigation - Mini-games.png Toilet Time You need to find a toilet.
Icon poop.png Toilet Emergency You really need to find a toilet.

Fatigue Status

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon energetic.png Not Tired You aren't tired right now.
Icon bigyawn.png Tired You're feeling a bit worn out. -5% Speed
Icon tired2.png Sleepy You're feeling a bit punchy and need rest soon. -15% Speed
Icon exhausted.png Exhausted You're totally worn out. You'll die if you don't rest soon. -25% Speed
Icon floorsit.png Resting Poorly You're currently resting, but only enough to stave off exhaustion. Sitting on the floor
Icon chairsit.png Resting You're currently resting slowly, and only partially. Sitting down, including driving a vehicle
Icon sleeping.png Sleeping You're asleep, obviously.

Carry Weight Status

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon heavy1.png Heavy Load You're carrying a lot of stuff. -25% Stamina regen
-10% Speed
-10% Jump height
Icon heavy2.png Encumbered You're carrying too much stuff. -50% Stamina regen
-30% Speed
-30% Jump height
Icon weight.png Overencumbered You need to drop some loot. -100% Stamina regen
-75% Speed
-30% Jump height


Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon bleeding.png Bleeding You're bleeding from a wound. Getting hit by "Sharp" attacks
Icon bleeding severe.png Severe Bleeding You're bleeding heavily from a wound. Getting hit by "Sharp" attacks or Sniper shots
Icon bone fracture.png Sprained Ankle You have injured your leg. Not too badly, though. Falling from mildly dangerous heights -10% Speed
Icon bone fracture.png Leg Fracture You've fractured a bone in your leg. Falling from dangerous heights -10% Speed
Icon bone broken.png Broken Leg You've broken your leg. Falling from very dangerous heights
Being grabbed by a Containment Robot
-20% Speed
Icon bone fracture.png Sprained Wrist You've sprained your wrist.
Icon bone fracture.png Fractured Arm You've fractured a bone in your arm.
Icon bone broken.png Broken Arm Your arm is broken.


Icon Name Description Source
Icon radiation.png Radiation Tingle You've been exposed to radiation and feel a bit nauseous. Accumulated radiation absorbed exceeding 6 rads
Icon radiation.png Radiation Sickness You've been exposed to a lot of radiation. Accumulated radiation absorbed exceeding 35 rads
Icon radiation.png Irradiated You've been exposed to extreme amounts of radiation. Accumulated radiation absorbed exceeding 50 rads

Smell and Disease

Icon Name Description Source
Icon splat.png Stinky You smell disgusting. This might attract unwanted attention and spread disease. Having a toilet accident
Stepping on feces (not bagged)
Wading in sewage
Eating Poop Soup Poop Soup
Icon splat.png Filthy You're absolute filthy. You could get sick more easily. Accumulated by being splattered with blood by chopping corpses or attacking at close range
Icon sick.png Sick You don't feel so good... Eating Poop Soup Poop Soup, Toxic Soup Toxic Soup, raw food, or body parts
Drinking The Bad Soda The Bad Soda
Icon stamina.png Spore Infection You've picked up a nasty lung infection... Exposure to spores from a dead Mushroom Peccary or Mushroom Carbuncle
Eating Carbuncle Mushroom Carbuncle Mushroom
Icon braindead.png Strange Virus A Strange Virus..... Being bitten by a Zombie

Health Item Effects

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon slowhealer.png Health Syringe The healing salve is working its way through your system. Using a Healing Syringe Healing Syringe
Icon radresist.png Rad Resistant Incoming radiation is being reduced by half. Consuming Iodine Tablets Iodine Tablets or using a Pentetic Acid Syringe Pentetic Acid Syringe
Eating a Rad Rice Bowl Rad Rice Bowl or Radfish Chowder Radfish Chowder
-50% Radiation absorption
Icon bone fracture.png Splinted Limb Your limb is supported and healing, but it will take some time. Using a Splint Splint to treat a sprain, fracture, or break -10% Speed

Armor Passives

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon cleaver.png Chef Hat You gib corpses a bit faster. Wearing the Chef Hat Chef Hat
Icon chefapron.png Splatter Guard You do not receive any spatter from liquids, such as blood. Wearing the Chef Apron Chef Apron -100% Blood staining
Icon hardhatengineer.png Hard Hat You gain extra Construction XP. Wearing the Hard Hat Hard Hat +10% Construction XP gain
Icon crown.png King of Carbuncles Carbuncles respect you... Or at least ignore you. Wearing the Carbuncle Crown Carbuncle Crown
Eating Slice of Carbuncle Casserole Slice of Carbuncle Casserole
Icon crown.png Queen of Carbuncles Carbuncles respect you... Or at least ignore you. Wearing the Carbuncle Crest Carbuncle Crest
Icon radresist.png Lead Vest You receive less radiation. Wearing the Lead Vest Lead Vest or Radiation Vest Radiation Vest -20% Radiation absorption
Icon beret.png Devoted You are devoted to a singular cause. Accuracy and Reloading XP gain increased by 10%. Wearing the Order Helmet Order Helmet +10% Accuracy/Reloading XP gain
Icon medic.png Medic You revive allies more quickly. Wearing the Medic Helmet Medic Helmet +25% Revive speed
Icon lightguns.png Bio-Metric Armwraps You can use weapons that are locked by some kind of biometric mechanism. Wearing the Bio-Metric Armwraps Bio-Metric Armwraps
Icon mediumguns.png Bio-Mimic Armwraps You can use advanced weapons that are locked by biometric mechanisms. Wearing the Bio-Mimic Armwraps Bio-Mimic Armwraps
Icon mushroom.png Mycofield Dream Memories of the Mycofields dance in your head. Healing increased while sitting. Wearing the Mushroom Helmet Mushroom Helmet
Icon faceshield.png Faceshield You receive 50% less splatter from liquids, such as blood. Wearing the Breacher Helmet Breacher Helmet or CQC Helmet CQC Helmet -50% Blood staining
Icon Breacher Bounce.png Breacher Helmet You can deflect the occasional headshot. Wearing the Breacher Helmet Breacher Helmet
Icon bionic legs.png Bionic Legs You move much faster and can't break leg bones from falls. Wearing the Bionic Legs Bionic Legs +20% Speed
Icon heavyarmor.png Weighed Down You're wearing very heavy armor, which will make you strong, but also slow. Maxing out armor weight
Icon fishing.png Lucky Fishing Hat The wearer gains more Fishing XP per catch and has an increased chance to catch rare fish. Wearing the Lucky Fishing Hat Lucky Fishing Hat
Icon fishing.png Muckraker You only catch junk while fishing. Wearing the Mud Waders Mud Waders

Armor Set Passives

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon weight.png Employee of the Week You're beginning to carry your team's burden. Increased weight capacity by 10. Makeshift Armor 2 piece set bonus +10 Carry weight
Icon weight.png Employee of the Month You've often carried the weight of your team. Increased weight capacity by 30. Makeshift Armor 4 piece set bonus +30 Carry weight
Icon symphony.png Symphony of String You feel lighter than normal, and you bring a bit of Anteverse I everywhere you go. Maestro Armor 4 piece set bonus +18% Jump Height
Icon Breacher Bounce.png Defiance Bullets will sometimes bounce off your armor. F.O.R.G.E. Armor 2 piece set bonus
Icon Breacher Bounce.png The Resistance Bullets will frequently bounce off your armor. F.O.R.G.E. Armor 4 piece set bonus
Icon thorns.png Prickly Enemies take some damage when hitting you with melee attacks. Carapace Armor 2 piece set bonus +2 Damage to melee attackers
Icon thorns.png Thorns Enemies take high damage when hitting you with melee attacks. Carapace Armor 4 piece set bonus +7 Damage to melee attackers
Icon rat.png Lab Rat You went full rat. Rat Suit Rat Suit & Rat Pack Rat Pack set bonus
Icon holdtheline.png Defender You only lose half the normal stamina when blocking a hit. Security Armor 2 piece set bonus
Icon holdtheline.png Hold The Line You no longer lose any stamina when blocking. Security Armor 4 piece set bonus
Icon threatsensor.png Motion Sensor You can detect nearby enemies who are in combat. Cascade Armor 2 piece set bonus
Icon threatsensor.png Threat Sensor You can detect all nearby enemies. Cascade Armor 4 piece set bonus
Icon weight.png Mountaineer You can no longer be knocked around by most physics interactions. Jump pads excluded. Mountaineer Armor 3 piece set bonus Immune to most physics interactions.

Gear Passives

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon suit default.png Stuffy Suit You get much thirstier than normal and your movement is slowed. Wearing any Full-Body Suit +25% Thirst drain rate
Icon radiation.png Hazmat Suit You receive 90% less radiation. Wearing the Hazardous Materials Suit Hazardous Materials Suit or Rat Suit Rat Suit -90% Radiation absorption
Icon gasmask 02.png Airtight Seal You are immune to spores and other airborne viruses. Wearing the Hazardous Materials Suit Hazardous Materials Suit, Rat Suit Rat Suit, Lab Mask Lab Mask, Mushroom Helmet Mushroom Helmet or Carapace Helm Carapace Helm
Icon suit default.png Fire Proximity Suit You cannot be ignited by fire or extreme heat. Wearing the Fire Proximity Suit Fire Proximity Suit
Icon Charge.png Radio Pack Battery is drained at a reduced rate. Wearing the Radio Pack Radio Pack -50% Item charge drain rate
-50% Item charge drain amount
Icon invertedgravity.png Gravity Cube Your gravity has... shifted. Holding the Gravity Dampener Gravity Dampener
Wearing the Dangling Gravity Cube Dangling Gravity Cube
-50% Gravity
Icon radresist.png Research Pack Items inside your backpack emit less radiation. Wearing the Research Pack Research Pack -50% Radiation absorption from inventory items
Icon foglantern.png Fog Lantern Your stamina drains much slower while in or surrounded by fog. Wearing the Fog Lantern Fog Lantern -50% Stamina Drain in Fog (including Symphony of String)
Icon sigil.png Accelerationist You move faster in combat, and your foes drop more ammo when killed. Wearing the Sigil of the Hearth Sigil of the Hearth +10% Speed while in combat
Icon hallpass.png Night Pass GATE security systems ignore your presence. Wearing the Night Pass Night Pass
Icon brainjar.png Kylie Muir Two consciousnesses are better than one. Wearing Kylie Kylie +??% XP gain to lowest skill

Temperature Passives

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon snowflake.png Chilly You're uncomfortably chilly. Ambient temperature of 67° F to ??° F
Icon warmhat.png Brisk (Chilly Resisted) It's a bit chilly, but you're fine. Ambient temperature of 67° F to ??° F with a total of 1 cold resistance
Icon cold.png Cold You're very cold. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F
Icon cold.png Mildly Cold You're cold, But not as cold as you could be. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F with a total of 1 cold resistance
Icon warmhat.png Cool (Cold Resisted) It's cold out, but you're handling it well. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F with a total of 2 cold resistance
Icon cold.png Severe Hypothermia You're freezing. Ambient temperature of ??° F or less
Icon cold.png Moderate Hypothermia You're freezing. Ambient temperature of ??° F or less with a total of 1 cold resistance
Icon cold.png Borderline Hypothermia You're just on the verge of freezing. Ambient temperature of ??° F or less with a total of 2 cold resistance
Icon warmhat.png Frosty (Hypothermia Resisted) It's arctic, but you're well-prepared. Ambient temperature of ??° F or less with a total of 3 cold resistance
Icon fire.png Warm You're uncomfortably warm. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F
Icon paradise.png Comfy (Warm Resisted) It's warm, but you're quite comfy. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F with a total of 1 heat resistance
Icon hot.png Hot You're uncomfortably hot. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F
Icon hot.png Mild Heat You're hot, but not as hot as you could be. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F with a total of 1 heat resistance
Icon paradise.png Toasty (Hot Resisted) A bit toasty, but you're surviving. Ambient temperature of ??° F to ??° F with a total of 2 heat resistance
Icon hot.png Heatstroke You're burning up. Ambient temperature of ??° F or greater
Icon hot.png Heat Exhaustion You're burning up. Ambient temperature of ??° F or greater with a total of 1 heat resistance
Icon hot.png Borderline Heatstroke You're just on the verge of heat exhaustion. Ambient temperature of ??° F or greater with a total of 2 heat resistance
Icon paradise.png Sweaty (Heatstroke Resisted) The heat is uncomfortable, but you're alive. Ambient temperature of ??° F or greater with a total of 3 heat resistance

Crafting Bench Passives

Icon Name Description Source Modifiers
Icon home.png Home Sweet Home You're in a safe place, relatively speaking. Be in range of a Crafting Bench Crafting Bench
Icon heal heart.png Dioxohealer The Dioxohealer on the nearby bench is working on your injuries. Be in range of a Crafting Bench Crafting Bench with the Dioxohealer upgrade
Icon metabolicfield.png Metabolic Temporal Field A nearby Bench is suppressing your hunger and thirst while boosting your stamina. Be in range of a Crafting Bench Crafting Bench with the Metabolic Temporal Field upgrade

Food Passives

Icon Name Description Sources Modifiers
Icon lightfoot.png Lightfooted You've recent had some soup that put a spring in your step! Sprinting and Sneaking XP gain increased for awhile. Eating Bland Pea Soup Bland Pea Soup +10% Sprinting and Sneaking XP gain
Icon soup.png Souper Satisfied You've recently had some delicious soup! Your thirst and hunger have been slowed, for a time. Eating most soups -20% Hunger drain rate
-20% Thirst drain rate
Icon heightenedsenses.png Heightened Senses You've recent had some soup that honed your reflexes! Your Blunt and Sharp Melee XP will be increased for awhile. Eating Meaty Stew Meaty Stew +10% Blunt Melee and Sharp Melee XP gain
Skillicon accuracy.png Quick Reflexes You gain Accuracy and Reloading XP more quickly. Eating Sustenance Soup Sustenance Soup +10% Accuracy and Reloading XP gain
Navigation - Enemies.png Death You consumed something deadly. It's only a matter of time. Eating Killer Soup Killer Soup or Leyak Essence Leyak Essence
Drinking The Bad Soda The Bad Soda
Icon skillup.png Brain Drain You gain extra experience... Eating a Human Brain Human Brain +15% XP gain
Icon panic.png Sugar High Stamina drains slower, but you get tired more easily and have to use the bathroom more frequently. Drinking a Rootbear Float Rootbear Float or eating Sugary Slop Sugary Slop +25% Continence drain rate
-25% Stamina drain rate
-25% Fatigue drain amount
Icon shift2.png Sweet Tooth You gain more sustenance from vending machine items. Eating Sweet Porridge Sweet Porridge +25% Hunger & Thirst gained from snacks and soda
+50 Hunger & Thirst gained from sweets
Icon bigcarrot.png Living Off the Land You've recently had a soup full of healthy stuff! Your Agriculture XP gain is increased for awhile. Eating Veggie Stew Veggie Stew +10% Agriculture XP gain
Icon soup.png Bodacious Items in your inventory feel 25% lighter. Eating Hearty Stew Hearty Stew +25% Carry weight
Icon megaante.png Mega-Ante You move faster and temporarily gain more strength. Eating A&L Mega-Stew A&L Mega-Stew +10% Speed
+2 Strength XP gain
Icon bigbrain.png Big Brain You gain Crafting and Construction XP at a faster rate. Eating Balanced Stew Balanced Stew +10% Crafting and Construction XP gain
Icon horror.png Temptation of the Flesh You resist a bit of damage, but are more alluring to IS-0091. Eating Greyeb Greyeb +5% Damage reduction
Icon horror.png Desire of the Flesh You resist a lot of damage, but are more alluring to IS-0091. Eating Greyeb Chowder Greyeb Chowder +15% Damage reduction
Icon caffeine.png Caffeinated You're highly energized, with some drawbacks... Drinking a Mug of Coffee Mug of Coffee or Mug of Cold Coffee Mug of Cold Coffee
Icon warmtummy.png Toasty Tummy You can better tolerate cold temperatures for a while. Drinking a Mug of Coffee Mug of Coffee
Eating a Bowl of Risotto 98 Bowl of Risotto 98
Icon brainfreeze.png Brain Freeze You can better tolerate warm temperatures for a while. Drinking a Slushie Slushie or Rootbear Float Rootbear Float
Eating Ice Cream Ice Cream
Icon brainfog.png Fog Caller You've called in the fog. It may arrive, if the conditions are right... Eating Fogiri Fogiri
Icon fishing.png Fisherman's Snack Your Fishing XP is increased for awhile. Eating Roasted Nori Snack Roasted Nori Snack
Item Icon - Unknown.png Grainy Vision You can see clearly underwater. Eating Cooked Fr-eyed Rice Cooked Fr-eyed Rice
Item Icon - Unknown.png Fish Out of Water Your swimming feels more competent. Eating Piece of Crumbed Darkwater Fish Piece of Crumbed Darkwater Fish

Portal World Passives

Icon Name Description Sources Modifiers
Icon sponge.png Hygroscopic Your body is absorbing moisture from the air, slowing your thirst for a while. Exiting Far Garden via the portal at the end -15% Thirst drain rate
Icon brainfog.png Fog Brain Your stamina drains at a slower rate, for a time. Exiting Flathill via the portal at the end -25% Stamina drain rate
Icon train.png Steam Powered You move faster for a while, thanks to the power of steam. Exiting The Train via the portal at the end +8% Speed
Icon firesale.png Fire Sale You can carry more weight for a while and can't become fully encumbered. Exiting the Furniture Store +20 Carry weight
Icon mushroom.png Medi-Shroom Fungal metabolites regenerate your health, for a time. Exiting The Mycofields via the portal at the end +1 Health per sec
Icon riseabove.png Rise Above Your jump height has increased for a while. Exiting Rise via the portal at the end +25% Jump height
Icon crowleycurse.png Crowley's Curse A bizarre affliction from a bizarre realm. Exiting The Pool Room +200% Crouch speed
-18% Speed
-18% Sprint speed
Icon panic.png Disorientated Something traumatic has occurred, leaving you disorientated. Being taken to The Night Realm by the Reaper