Crafting Bench

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Crafting Bench is a deployable item in Abiotic Factor. Placing a Crafting Bench is the primary means of designating a safe area. This prevents enemies from respawning in the affected area, but provides a target for Assault Events. The Crafting Bench may also be upgraded to provide additional bonuses, such as healing over time or automatic access to storage containers in the Safe Area.



Duct Tape
Power Supply Unit
Metal Pipe
Icon - Recipe Arrow.png
Crafting Bench


Crafting Bench can only be obtained through Crafting.


Tier 1

Unlock: Crafting level 2


Allows the bench to passively heal nearby players. The more farmable plants nearby, the faster the healing.

Item Transporter

Allows the bench to automatically access nearby containers when crafting recipes.

Bench Warmer

The bench will emit a cozy heat in all directions.

Tier 2

Unlock: Crafting level 5

Reinforced Bench

The bench will take 30% less damage.

Portal Suppression Field

The bench will suppress all Portal Storms and no longer allow them to occur near it. Non-portal assaults may still occur.