The Night Realm

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The Night Realm is one of several Portal Worlds the player can discover. It is accessed through gateways created by the Reaper. It can be entered by touching a gateway, or by being caught by the Reaper.


The Night Realm reassembles a distorted version of the Security Sector. The walls are made of brick and metal-reinforced wood. The floors are made out of cobblestone, along with some parts covered in what looks like dead grass.

Shades inhabit this realm, imprisoned in what looks to be the unique liquid, Ink. When interacted with, Shades will simply voice a low moan with the subtitle "...".

A unique Shade resembling the Sister of the Unlost is also present in the Night Realm, sitting on a tree branch. She does not have any further dialogue and reacts similarly to other Shades when interacted with.


Breaking a Nightsphere will open an exit portal and clear a corresponding Clinging Shadow in the Security Sector that is impeding progress. It requires some exploration, but the parallels between The Night Realm and the Security Sector make using the map a viable strategy.


There are no hostile entities in The Night Realm.



  • Inkfish can fished within the well of ink.
  • After returning from The Night Realm, the trees in the Office Sector plaza will begin to take on the appearance of the ones within The Night Realm.


A Nightsphere