Assault Event

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Assault Events are events in when entities will spawn around a selected Crafting Bench. These events include Portal Storms and other types of assaults. At 4 PM the day before an Assault Event occurs, players are forewarned with an audio stinger and the message "The air feels strange. Be on your guard tonight." will be displayed. Just before the event starts, "The air feels different..." appears, followed by a message specific to the type of event when it begins.

Portal Storms

Main article: Portal Storm

Portal Storms are the earliest Assault Events to happen, being possible immediately after the player places their first Crafting Bench. They are announced with "A portal storm has started!"

Exor and Peccary Patrol

Exor and Peccary Patrols are the second Assault Event to become possible, which can spawn once the player has opened Silo 3 in the Office Sector. It is announced with "Something fowl lurks nearby..." They consist of an Exor Monk and two Peccaries, which will spawn in an area near the Crafting Bench, unlike a Portal Storm. However, the teleportation of the Exor means that they can bypass most defenses outright, making direct confrontation a necessity.

Order Assaults

When an Order Assault is about to happen, the message "A radio crackle is heard nearby..." appears on the screen, along with the radio chirp sound that Order soldiers make when idle.

There are a variety of possible Order Assaults. They start occurring after the player has met The Blacksmith, unless otherwise specified.

  • Patrol: A Captain, a Medic, and a pistol Grunt
  • Pistol Brothers: Two pistol Grunts
  • SMG Grunt: A single Grunt
  • Rat Patrol: A single Lab Rat
    • Occurs after speaking to Hasta Tria
    • No warning messages
  • Shotgun Squad: A Captain, a Medic, and a Breacher
    • Occurs after reaching the Control Center in the Labs Sector


After speaking to Hasta Tria, a single Crystalisk can spawn, with no warning messages or sounds.

Zombie Horde

After completing the Furniture Store, ten Zombies can spawn, either as a single group or in waves. This event has a zombie idle sound instead of a message when it starts.