Sister of the Unlost

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Sister of the Unlost is a Gatekeeper found at the door to the Security Sector.



(Humming) The vril shall cease, abeyant hope ... The deep, the dark ...The fence, the moat ... The vril shall cease, abeyant hope ... The deep, the dark ... The fence, the moat ... (Singing)


A reprieve, be grateful. I perceive you've come far, and seek escape, from the depths, the shadow lair, where our kinds cannot co-exist ... But the way is blocked ... for now.


You are of our kith, but not our kin, and I came with a warning, which is a gift. Halt here, and no worse shall befall you.
It was ever so, that we struggled at the edge of the light, knowing not whether we stepped towards darkness or day, so I say to you, stop, and be safe for a time, and soon enough the way will open, and darkness will rise.
You have come far, but you will halt here, before the darkness, the water, the nexus, an egress ... perhaps, but not yet.
You hear me, but do you understand?
You perhaps are the true anomaly here ...