Water Cooler

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Water Cooler is a deployable item in Abiotic Factor that can be used to hold Liquids. It can only hold one type of liquid at a time, and can be filled by approaching a liquid source and pressing the interact button. It can be emptied into other liquid containers by pressing the secondary interact button.

Players can drink from it or fill an equipped liquid container by pressing the interact button.


Water Cooler can be found in these locations:

Office Sector

  • Level 1
    • At the plaza, close to the stairs that lead to the server room
  • Level 2
    • Conference room at the plaza's balcony
    • Locker room
    • Bio Lab D
    • Reception
    • Three are found in the Data Farm
    • Outside the Security Office
    • Two are found in the Security Office
    • Hallway, close to the elevator and the door to the Residence Tram
  • Level 3
    • Close to Dr. Manse's hologram at the hallway
    • Silo 3 Viewing Room
    • Inside one of the small offices, close to the Physics Lab D
    • In Physics Lab D

Manufacturing Sector

  • In the garage close to the Supply Room
  • In Shipping, in the same room as Hank
  • Close to the Data Farms at Offices level 2, in an area that requires hacking level 2
  • Mines area, in the room where Frake and Douglas are
  • In Shipping, close to where the Fibre Optic Cable is required, in the room that leads to Alloy Handling
  • In Shipping, under the Supply Room where there is a computer, a Television, a Power Cell, a Refrigerator and some Soil Bags
  • Through the Mapping Center, in the area with the 2 snipers
  • Inside the tram station

Labs Sector

  • At level 2, close to a Dr. Manse hologram and close to where Janet and Abe were doing experiments with an Electro-Pest
  • At level 2, where Janet and Abe are
  • Two are found in the Control Center