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Liquid comes in various forms in Abiotic Factor.

Tainted Water

Likely the most abundant liquid in the game. Most sources of water are tainted both in, and outside, the GATE Cascade Research Facility. While it is possible for the player to drink it, it's not ideal to do so. As tainted water is considered unclean, and can make the player sick.

Clean Water

Water or Clean Water is tainted water that has been boiled, or cleaned using the Water Filter. During the early part of the game, the player will spend a significant chunk of their time boiling water. If not to drink, then for farming. As only clean water can be used for farming. Another means of clean water is from Water Coolers. Several can be found throughout the facility, and can make boiling water less of a necessity. Sinks also spawn filled with clean water as well. And depending on a player's settings in-game, can possibly refill over time.

Radioactive Waste

The most dangerous so far is Radioactive Waste. The largest concentration of radioactive waste is in the Manufacturing Sector. But occasionally spills can be found throughout the facility. While it won't immediately kill the player. Being close enough to a source of radioactive waste, without adequate protection, will give the player radiation poisoning.


Antejuice is another drinkable liquid, with the most abundant source being deep within the mines. Smaller amounts can be found within sinks mounted on the rocky walls in The Mycofields. Unlike water, it can't be used in farming. Though it has no negative effects when used for cooking. In contrast to water, it provides more thirst.