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Anteverses are alternate dimensions, discovered using GATE's perforation technology.

Known Anteverses
Anteverse Name Native Entities
I Composer Homeworld IS-0064
II Far Garden, The Mycofields IS-0155, IS-0171, IS-0173, IS-0177, IS-0178, IS-0184
III Under investigation by Lenora Riggs/TransRecon None currently known
VIII Gravity Cube Homeworld IS-0052
XI The Train IS-0138
XVI Love Potion Homeworld IS-0102
XIX The Poolrooms Unknown invisible entity
XXI Minder Homeworld IS-0111
XXIII The Furniture Store Zombie
XXIV Rocklark Homeworld Rocklarks, IS-0233
XLII Macroscopic Dimension IS-0023, IS-0121
? Flesh Dimension Greyeb
? The Library None currently known