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Death of the player character happens for a variety of reasons. The player death is noticed on the chat, with a message identified the cause of death. Some items are dropped from player inventory on death. Items kept with the player lose some of their durability.

A player corpse will spawn in the latest safe position for the dead player. The items in the main inventory area are left dropped inside the corpse, other items are kept with the player. The corpse items can be retrieved only by the player, by holding the main action button on the corpse. Unclaimed corpses are identified on the player screen by an icon visible even behind walls.

Upon death, the game offers the player to respawn them at one of the available locations:

  • Office Cafeteria: spawns the player back at the start of the game, this options is always available
  • Your Bed: spawns the player on their bed, available when the player has a valid bed assigned to them
  • Zone Entrance: spawn the player at the start of the current [[[portal world]]], available only in those worlds

After respawning, the player character will have their hunger and thirst meters set to half and their toilet meter set to full. Any items with a durability meter that the player has equipped or is carrying in their hotbar upon dying will have their durability reduced by around 25% of the item's durability.

Death Causes

When the player health is depleted, the characters becomes critically wounded. In this state, the player is unable to do most actions and their moving speed is severely reduced. Other players are able to revive a critically wounded player by holding the main action button on them. If the critically wounded player doesn't get revived in 60 seconds, the character dies. While critically wounded, the player also has the option of holding F to skip the waiting time.

In single-player games and multiplayer games with only one player, the critically wounded state is skipped, and the player dies instantly when having their health depleted.

Another cause of death is having their hunger meter, thirst meter, or sleep running out. In these cases, once one of these stats reach zero, a 90-seconds count-down starts, allowing the player to restore their stats. If the stats are still depleted at the end of the count-down, the character dies.

Some areas in the map may also cause instant death when the player falls on them. When dying in these areas, the player corpse will appears in a safe place, usually close to the death position.

Death Messages

The death message is selected based on the death reason, as listed on the following table.

Caption text
Death reason Message
Bleeding out "<player name> forgot to keep their blood inside their body."
Hit with a blunt weapon "<player name> experienced excessive blunt force trauma."
Being too Cold "<player name> turned into an ice cube."
Killed by a Composer "<player name> made beautiful music."
Killed by fan "<player name> was sliced into bits."
Falling into the void "<player name> was lost to the abyss."
Drowning "<player name> is sleeping with the fishes."
Electric damage "<player name> made a fatal connection."
Fall damage "<player name> forgot about gravity."
Killed by a Security Robot "<player name> made contact with a machine intelligence."
Shot with a Makeshift Crossbow "<player name> was pierced by a bolt."
Killed by a Peccary "<player name> was skewered by something wild."
Killed by a Pest "<player name> was harassed to death by a pest."
Killed by a Leyak "<player name> was widowed."
Hit with sharp weapon "<player name> was sliced into bits."
Sleep meter depleted "<player name> fell asleep. Forever."
Hunger meter depleted "<player name> forgot to feed themselves."
Thirst meter depleted "<player name> forgot to keep hydrated."
Using the Unstick menu option "<player name> got into a sticky situation."