Varsha Patel

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Varsha Patel is an engineer found in the Synchrotron control room in Manufacturing West.



Stay quiet! They'll hear you!
Keep away from the windows!
Where are you going?


At first... I thought it was an accident... Those creatures everywhere... But then... then... these terrorists came, hunting us... now I don't know what to believe... What do they WANT? If I can just get to The Blacksmith. He'll know how to get out of here. He's wired into this whole sector, and his F.O.R.G.E. is a fortress, so he should be safe... I think... I'll open the door for you now, but I'm telling you... they're shooting at anything that moves! Be careful!


Maybe the Blacksmith knows what happened to Frake and her team... Last I heard, there were down in the mines... then the radio died... and... all this started...
The quakes destabilized everything... If the Synchrotron down there has been disturbed. It could blow this place sky high...
If we survive this, our high energy research will be set back months, maybe years!
Have you seen Frake? I don't know if she made it out or not...
They're hunting us? Why?! Who are they?
You came from Office Sector? Is it... bad over there?


  • After meeting Frake, she will be found dead by the door to the Crane area across from the F.O.R.G.E. Presumably, she was killed by Order soldiers, attempting to reach The Blacksmith or Shipping.