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Julia is an engineer found hiding under the Garage in Manufacturing West.



Am I in your way?
Getting a little crowded down here.
It could always be worse. You're probably hearing that a lot, though.


You're evacuating, aren't you? And trying to keep out of sight - I know the feeling. But I can't think about it right now. Frake asked me to get something from the Blacksmith. She's got a plan to get us out of here. It's extreme, but it just might work.


I'll be going soon - I'm sure Frake's worrying about me.
Have you met the Blacksmith yet? He's a strange one, but his fabrication work is excellent. Seems he can make just about anything.
Didn't expect a trip down here take this long... even with those goons roaming about
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just taking a moment.
Watch out for those hoppy...potatoes! I found a few of them down here. How on earth did they manage to get in?