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Recipes are combinations of ingredient items which produce a new item during crafting. Some items require a powered Crafting Bench Crafting Bench to craft.

Learning Recipes

Recipes are learned via different interactions in the game. Most recipes are unlocked simply by obtaining items used in the recipe. Some other recipes are learned by interacting with objects, like turning on a Desk Lamp Desk Lamp. Some recipes can be learned by speaking with People.

Soup recipes are learned by adding items to a filled Cooking Pot Cooking Pot or Cooking Pot (Makeshift) Cooking Pot (Makeshift) on a Stove or Portable Stove Portable Stove. The recipe is learned if the ingredients will produce a valid, effective soup. Soup recipes are separate from regular crafting, and are instead listed in the Compendium after discovering.

Researching Recipes

After a recipe is learned, it needs to be researched in order to be used for crafting. Recipes pending research are shown in the crafting screen, identified by an overlay resembling blueprints. Selecting a recipe will display the Research Minigame, which needs to be completed to unlock the recipe.

Sharing Recipes

Once the player has learned and researched a recipe, they are able to share it with other players by standing close to them and pressing the Share Recipe button in the crafting screen. Alternatively, the recipe can be learned by picking up an item crafted by another player. Players with the Slow Learner Trait are unable to learn recipes via either method.

Soup recipes are shared when a player uses a Soup Bowl Soup Bowl to scoop a portion of soup cooked by another player.