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Traits are a way to modify the play style for a player character in Abiotic Factor. The character Traits gives additional advantages or disadvantages. These traits cost points that you gain by your job. You can also gain points by taking negative traits. The Traits are selected as the second step of character creation. The Traits can not be changed after the character creation is finished. the points that are left over must be at least 0 or positive else you cannot finish the character creation progress.

Available Traits

Positive Traits
Trait Name Description Cost
Skillicon sprinting.png
Decathlon Competitor
You trained for and participated in the GATE Foundation Decathlon. You gain all fitness-related skills at a faster rate. (Sprinting, Strength, Throwing)
+3 Sprinting
Icon sanity.png
Wrinkly Brainmeat
You have more pliable neurological pathways. You gain 20% more XP than normal. -4
Icon nightowl.png
Night Owl
You frequently work late into the night, becoming fatigued 50% slower than the average scientist. -4
Skillicon cooking.png
Hobbyist Chef
You have a love of cooking. You gain Cooking skill twice as fast. -2
Skillicon sneaking.png
You are meek and quiet. You attract enemy attention twice as slow as others.
+2 Sneaking
Icon scarf.png
When not deep underground, you like to be out in the wild. You're affected les by temperature changes. -3
Icon fannypack.png
Fanny Pack
You never leave home without it. You permanently gain 2 extra Hotbar Slots. -10
Icon thickskinned.png
Thick Skinned
You have a 50% lower chance of receiving bleeding injuries. -3
Icon combatdoctor.png
First Aid Certification
You took the GATE-provided First Aid Certification course. You start with 5 bandages.
+3 First Aid
Item Categories - Farming.png
You gain Agriculture-related experience twice as fast and receive recipes for basic gardenplots right from the outset. -3
Icon food.png
Light Eater
You require 20% less food than others do. -3
Icon fearofviolence.png
Naturally Moist
You are naturally moist and get thirsty 20% slower than others. -4
Skillicon melee blunt.png
Self Defense
You took the GATE-provided self-defense course. You deal +3 damage with all melee weapons. -5
Navigation - Mini-games.png
Bladder of Steel
You can hold it for quite some time. Your toilet needs are reduced by 20% -2
Icon weight.png
Buff Brainiac
You can carry 15% more weight than other scientists.
+1 Strength
Icon leadbelly.png
Lead Belly
You can drink tainted water without getting sick. Gross -8
Negative Traits
Trait Name Description Cost
Icon fearofviolence.png
Fear of Violence
You refuse to engage with any combat-related skill past Level 5. (Accuracy, Reloading, Blunt Melee, Sharp Melee, Fortitude, Throwing) +4
Icon feeble.png
You are an exceptionally frail individual. You have 25% lower maximum health and break your bones more frequently from falls and blunt trauma. +6
Icon sleeping.png
You grow fatigued 75% faster than others and never feel truly rested. This affliction is a constant part of your life. +6
Icon stamina.png
You lose stamina 40% faster than others. +2
Icon scared.png
Painfully Obvious
You stand out, to your detriment. You attract enemy attention 45% faster than others. +3
Icon food.png
Hearty Appetite
You have a wild metabolism. You get hungry 60% faster than others. +3
Icon thirsty.png
Dry Skin
You are naturally dry, getting thirsty 20% faster than others. +3
Icon slowhealer.png
Slow Healer
Your healing interval is 1.5 seconds slower than everyone else. +3
Icon head.png
Slow Learner
You have very stiff neurological pathways. You learn skills 20% slower than normal and can't learn recipes via sharing nor by picking up things others have crafted. +2
Icon bleeding severe.png
You are twice as likely to bleed from a wound, and potentially quite severely. +3
Navigation - Mini-games.png
Weak Bladder
You can't hold it very long. Your toilet needs are increased by 15%, and you have to sit on the toilet for a longer duration than others. +1