Research Minigame

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The research minigame screen

Research Minigame is a minigame required for learning some recipes. This minigame is activated when clicking on a recipe pending research in the crafting screen.

In the research minigame, the player is presented some item images options and empty slots to drag those items into. The goal is to guess the correct ingredients used in the recipe. Both the items and the empty slots have frames around them indicating the research material for it. Only items with the matching material can be dragged into a given slot.

When the player drags items on all empty slots, the minigame evaluates the answer. If all items are correct, the minigame ends and the research is done. If any item is incorrect, the correct items will be kept on the slots and the player can choose another item for the one they missed. The game goes on until the answer is correct. If the player leaves the crafting screen, the game resets.

Resarch Materials

Research material are assigned for each item in game, representing their composition. The following table lists the known research materials and their frame appearances.

Research Materials
Frame Material
Research Material - Adhesive.png Adhesive
Research Material - Biological.png Biological
Research Material - Cloth.png Cloth
Research Material - Glass.png Glass
Research Material - Metal.png Metal
Research Material - Plastic.png Plastic
Research Material - Tech.png Tech
Research Material - Wood.png Wood