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Containment Protocols

IS-0169 must be fixed or held in place at all times, connected to a centrally mointored alarm system that registers any lapse of contact with the restraint mechanisms.

Ensure containment doors remain closed when cell unoccupied. Recommended dimensions of containment: no larger than 3x3m.


Recovered from a cave in rural Exmoor, England, IS-0169 cannot be marked or damage in any way. Essentially massless, it moves with near zero inertia, lacking any kind of space time presence.

Presumably a fragment of some larger object, GATE currently has no actual or theoretical framework for this item.

Audio log

Dr. Derek Manse reporting. I can summarize IS One-Six-Nine in a single word: ... nothing. Recovered from a nameless hill in Exmoor, England, we have no further information. We cannot seem to sample, mark or damage it in any way. Incredibly, it appears to be without mass, moving as easily as a mote of dust, with no apparent space time presence of any kind. Of the larger object we presume it was once attached to, there is no trace. Of its existence, we have only the evidence of our eyes, nothing more, and no theory to attach to it.


Subject: Shouldn't exist
From: Varsha Patel <[email protected]>
To: Sarah Frake <[email protected]>
[email protected]
I reviewed the results for 0169, and I think they're correct, but I just don't see how it's possible.

[email protected]
What specifically?

[email protected]
Where do I start? The material is immensely strong. Nothing we've got can break it. It's some kind of phosphorous alloy, according to spectrography. But it weighs nothing. It's like it's not even there. No space time presence at all. Almost as though it's only partly in this dimension.

[email protected]
Have you had a chance to study 0052?

[email protected]
Not yet - but this is different. If you push it, it just moves until it hits something. Zero friction, zero inertia. It's a piece of something, I'm sure of it. Some kind of vehicle?

[email protected]
Am I to take it, Varsha, you think you've found a piece of a spaceship?

[email protected]
Actually, yeah, it's out there, but as a hypothesis, it fits all the observable results. I just wish I knew more.

[email protected]
Get used to that feeling.

Attachments: debris.jpeg
Compendium entry unlocked: The Fragment
