GATE Security Crate

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GATE Security Crate is a deployable item in Abiotic Factor. It needs to be unlocked with a GATE Security Key in order to open or package.


GATE Security Crates are located in various parts of the facility. Some are in hard to notice areas that require a keen eye to spot.

Office Sector

  • Level 2: In front of the door to the Security Sector, next to Alice Hong.
  • Level 3
    • Physics Lab D
    • Inside a small room with a balcony overlooking Silo 3. (Requires Keypad Hacker (Tier 2) to access)

Manufacturing Sector

  • On a catwalk just outside of the office where the player first finds Sarah Frake

Labs Sector

  • Containment Blocks inner wing, upper level, in a small hallway overlooking the entryway to Containment Block Dirac