View table: Items

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. description - Text
  3. flavorText - Text
  4. image - String
  5. category - String
  6. weight - Float
  7. stackSize - Integer
  8. requirements - String
  9. durability - Integer
  10. repairItem - String
  11. repairAmount - Integer
  12. decayLimit - Integer
  13. decayToItem - String
  14. batteryCapacity - Integer
  15. liquidCapacity - Integer
  16. allowedLiquids - String
  17. researchMaterial - String
  18. gearSlot - String
  19. gearArmor - Float
  20. gearCapacity - Integer
  21. gearWeightReduction - Float
  22. weaponType - String
  23. weaponDamage - Float
  24. weaponAmmoItem - String
  25. weaponAmmoCount - Integer
  26. weaponChoppingQuality - String
  27. weaponSecondaryAction - String
  28. consumableHungerFill - Float
  29. consumableThirstFill - Float
  30. consumableFatigueFill - Float
  31. consumableRadiation - String
  32. consumableOtherEffects - String
  33. cookingIsCookware - String
  34. cookingStage - String
  35. cookingRawItem - String
  36. cookingCookedItem - String
  37. cookingBurnedItem - String
  38. farmingProduceItem - String
  39. deployableObject - String

This table has 662 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name description flavorText image category weight stackSize requirements durability repairItem repairAmount decayLimit decayToItem batteryCapacity liquidCapacity allowedLiquids researchMaterial gearSlot gearArmor gearCapacity gearWeightReduction weaponType weaponDamage weaponAmmoItem weaponAmmoCount weaponChoppingQuality weaponSecondaryAction consumableHungerFill consumableThirstFill consumableFatigueFill consumableRadiation consumableOtherEffects cookingIsCookware cookingStage cookingRawItem cookingCookedItem cookingBurnedItem farmingProduceItem deployableObject
.308 Ammo (edit) .308 Ammo Ammo for any .308 weapon. Item Icon - .308 Ammo.png Weapons and Ammo 0.06 20 Metal Ammo
.357 Magnum Ammo (edit) .357 Magnum Ammo Ammo for any .357 Magnum weapon. Item Icon - .357 Magnum Ammo.png Weapons and Ammo 0.04 20 Metal Ammo
1057 Paint (edit) 1057 Paint A curious yellow pigment, good for coloring items like barricades and bridges. Item Icon - 1057 Paint.png Tools 1.0 1
12g Buckshot (edit) 12g Buckshot Ammo for any shotgun. Item Icon - 12g Buckshot.png Weapons and Ammo 0.03 20 Metal Ammo
5.56 Ammo (edit) 5.56 Ammo Ammo for any 5.56 weapon. Item Icon - 5.56 Ammo.png Unimplemented 0.05 40 Metal
9mm Ammo (edit) 9mm Ammo Ammo for any 9mm weapon. Item Icon - 9mm Ammo.png Weapons and Ammo 0.02 64 Metal Ammo
A&L Mega-Stew (edit) A&L Mega-Stew It cost something an arm and a leg. Item Icon - A&L Mega-Stew.png Food and Cooking 0.75 1 37.5 16.0 Cooked Uncooked A&L Mega-Stew A&L Mega-Stew
Abstract Blue Painting (edit) Abstract Blue Painting A small "H.F." is scrawled hastily in the corner. Item Icon - Abstract Blue Painting.png Furniture and Benches 0.1 1
Abstract Colors Painting (edit) Abstract Colors Painting A small "H.F." is scrawled hastily in the corner. Item Icon - Abstract Colors Painting.png Furniture and Benches 0.1 1
Abstract Mountains Painting (edit) Abstract Mountains Painting A small "H.F." is scrawled hastily in the corner. Item Icon - Abstract Mountains Painting.png Furniture and Benches 0.1 1
Abstract Triangle Painting (edit) Abstract Triangle Painting A small "H.F." is scrawled hastily in the corner. Item Icon - Abstract Triangle Painting.png Furniture and Benches 0.1 1
Air Compressor (edit) Air Compressor A high pressure air transfer unit, might be useful for things that require copious amounts of air power. Item Icon - Air Compressor.png Resources and Sub-components 2.0 1 Tech
Alien Cheese Curds (edit) Alien Cheese Curds A pot of cheese curds, soon on their whey to being aged into bona fide cheese. Item Icon - Alien Cheese Curds.png Food and Cooking 1.0 1 Cooked Uncooked Alien Cheese Curds Alien Cheese Curds
Alien Cheese Wheel (edit) Alien Cheese Wheel A beautiful wheel of ripened alien cheese. Item Icon - Alien Cheese Wheel.png Food and Cooking 2.25 1 300 Cooked Ripening Alien Cheese Wheel Alien Cheese Wheel
Alpha Helmet (edit) Alpha Helmet A helmet made from a rare, red Peccary. Item Icon - Alpha Helmet.png Armor and Gear 5.0 1 35 Bio Scrap 1 Head Armor 9.0
Angler Fish Painting (edit) Angler Fish Painting The corner simply says "Jenny". Item Icon - Angler Fish Painting.png Furniture and Benches 0.08 1
Anomalous Compost (T1) (edit) Anomalous Compost (T1) A simple plant food used to fertilize crops and help them grow more quickly. Item Icon - Anomalous Compost (T1).png Farming 0.1 32
Anomalous Fertilizer (T2) (edit) Anomalous Fertilizer (T2) A complex plant food used to fertilize crops and help them grow rapidly. Item Icon - Anomalous Fertilizer (T2).png Farming 0.1 32
Anomaly (edit) Anomaly A indecipherable entity that appears to respond to glass and has a peculiar attraction to plant life. Surely there's something in the GATE Compendium about this... Item Icon - Anomaly.png Resources and Sub-components 0.2 32 1 100 Test Tube
Anteburger (edit) Anteburger A tasty, plump burger assembled from otherwordly delectables. Item Icon - Anteburger.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 100 Rotten Food Biological 52.25 19.8 Cooked
Antecheese Sandwich (edit) Antecheese Sandwich Conforming to some definitions of a cheese sandwich. What counts as 'cheese'? Item Icon - Antecheese Sandwich.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 100 Rotten Food 24.75 Raw Antecheese Sandwich Antecheese Toastie Burned Antecheese Toastie
Antecheese Toastie (edit) Antecheese Toastie Close to a cheese toastie. The same, worlds over. Item Icon - Antecheese Toastie.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 100 Rotten Food 25.875 Cooked Antecheese Sandwich Antecheese Toastie Burned Antecheese Toastie
Antelight (edit) Antelight A beautiful glowing plant from somewhere in the Anteverse. Item Icon - Antelight.png Light and Power 2.0 1
Antelight Seed (edit) Antelight Seed Item Icon - Antelight Seed.png Farming 0.1 32 Biological Antelight
Antepasta (edit) Antepasta This proto-pasta awaits cooking. Gluten free, oddly enough. Item Icon - Antepasta.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 100 Rotten Food Biological 16.5 Raw
Antethermite (edit) Antethermite An explosive charge made from alien residue. This will burn through just about anything. Item Icon - Antethermite.png Tools 2.0 1
Anteverse Cheese (edit) Anteverse Cheese Blue, but not bleu. Someone had time to make cheese, but not ask certain ontological questions. Item Icon - Anteverse Cheese.png Food and Cooking 2.0 60 Rotten Food Biological 10.0 2 Cooked
Anteverse Gel (edit) Anteverse Gel A gel from the Anteverse with extremely unstable properties. Item Icon - Anteverse Gel.png Resources and Sub-components 0.5 64 Biological
Anteverse Gem (edit) Anteverse Gem A strange gem from somewhere else. Item Icon - Anteverse Gem.png Resources and Sub-components 0.6 32 Glass
Anteverse Wheat (edit) Anteverse Wheat A strange wheat from another, even stranger place. Possible healing properties. Calling this a grain is stretching the definition. Item Icon - Anteverse Wheat.png Food and Cooking 0.3 32 Biological Ingredient
Anteverse Wheat Seed (edit) Anteverse Wheat Seed Can be planted in a Garden Plot to grow rejuvinating Anteverse Wheat. Item Icon - Anteverse Wheat Seed.png Farming 0.1 32 Biological Anteverse Wheat
Antique Shotgun (edit) Antique Shotgun A break-action double barrel shotgun of a rather old make. IS-0099 Item Icon - Antique Shotgun.png Weapons and Ammo 6.0 1 30 Light Gun Repair Kit 1 Metal Overworld Ranged 30.0 12g Buckshot 2 AimDownSights
Anvil (edit) Anvil A heavy object, useful for acting as a giant paperweight. Might also be helpful in repairing stuff too, with the right additions. It's quite heavy. Item Icon - Anvil.png Resources and Sub-components 6.0 1 Metal
Arcade Stool (edit) Arcade Stool A vibrant stool from an arcade. Item Icon - Arcade Stool.png Furniture and Benches 12.0 1 100 Metal Scrap 1
Arcade Table (edit) Arcade Table An oval table from an arcade. Item Icon - Arcade Table.png Furniture and Benches 17.0 1 100 Metal Scrap 1
Armor Stand (edit) Armor Stand A friendly skeleton, useful for displaying armor and other equipment. Item Icon - Armor Stand.png Furniture and Benches 10.0 1
Armory Locker (edit) Armory Locker A large, sturdy locker. Item Icon - Armory Locker.png Furniture and Benches 37.0 1 300 Metal Scrap 1
Assault Rifle (edit) Assault Rifle The military brought this heavy weapon here. Good luck. Item Icon - Assault Rifle.png Unimplemented 7.0 1 30 1 Metal Ranged 90.0 5.56 Ammo 30 AimDownSights
Axle Grease (edit) Axle Grease Slippery grease for things that need to slip. Item Icon - Axle Grease.png Resources and Sub-components 0.3 64 Biological
Bad Soup (edit) Bad Soup A soup made from various bits... Not very filling, and not very good. There's a chance you may become ill from consuming this. Item Icon - Bad Soup.png Food and Cooking 1.0 1 Biological 10.0 16.0 Cooked Uncooked Unknown Soup Bad Soup
Bag of Feces (edit) Bag of Feces A small bag of feces. Might make good fertilizer. Probably human. Item Icon - Bag of Feces.png Resources and Sub-components 1.0 16 Biological
Bag Wall (Block) (edit) Bag Wall (Block) A deployable barricade made of sturdy bags of cement mix. Item Icon - Bag Wall (Block).png Base defense 10.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1
Bag Wall (Corner) (edit) Bag Wall (Corner) A deployable barricade made of sturdy bags of cement mix. Item Icon - Bag Wall (Corner).png Base defense 10.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1
Bag Wall (Curve) (edit) Bag Wall (Curve) A deployable barricade made of sturdy bags of cement mix. Item Icon - Bag Wall (Curve).png Base defense 10.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1
Bag Wall (Half Curve) (edit) Bag Wall (Half Curve) A deployable barricade made of sturdy bags of cement mix. Item Icon - Bag Wall (Half Curve).png Base defense 10.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1
Bag Wall (Straight) (edit) Bag Wall (Straight) A deployable barricade made of sturdy bags of cement mix. Item Icon - Bag Wall (Straight).png Base defense 10.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1
Baked Simple Pest Pie (edit) Baked Simple Pest Pie A steaming pest pie. Sing a song of six-pests. Item Icon - Baked Simple Pest Pie.png Food and Cooking 2.25 1 800 Rotten Food 30.0 Cooked Raw Simple Pest Pie Baked Simple Pest Pie Burned Simple Pest Pie
Balanced Stew (edit) Balanced Stew An equilibrious edible. Item Icon - Balanced Stew.png Food and Cooking 1.0 1 10.0 17.25 Cooked Uncooked Balanced Stew Balanced Stew
Bandage (edit) Bandage A basic bandage that will stop one instance of bleeding. Does NOT restore health. Just some rags, but it'll do. Item Icon - Bandage.png Health and Medical 0.25 16 Cloth
Barrel (edit) Barrel A barrel that can hold a lot of liquid. Item Icon - Barrel.png Furniture and Benches 30.0 1 500 Metal Scrap 1 10,000 Tainted Water<br>Water<br>Antejuice
Barricade (Makeshift) (edit) Barricade (Makeshift) A small barricade made of... whatever was lying around. Item Icon - Barricade (Makeshift).png Base defense 6.0 1 300 Metal Scrap 1
Barricade (Wood Full) (edit) Barricade (Wood Full) A stronger deployable barricade made of wooden planks and what-not. Item Icon - Barricade (Wood Full).png Base defense 15.0 1 1,500 Metal Scrap 1
Barricade (Wood Half) (edit) Barricade (Wood Half) A deployable barricade made of wooden planks. Item Icon - Barricade (Wood Half).png Base defense 10.0 1 1,250 Metal Scrap 1
Barricade (Wood Window) (edit) Barricade (Wood Window) A deployable barricade made of wooden planks. Item Icon - Barricade (Wood Window).png 10.0 1 1,000 Metal Scrap 1
Baseball Cap (edit) Baseball Cap A sporty baseball cap. Item Icon - Baseball Cap.png Armor and Gear 0.1 1 100 Metal Scrap 1 Head Armor
Basic Backpack (edit) Basic Backpack A very small backpack. Item Icon - Basic Backpack.png Armor and Gear 3.0 1 Cloth Backpack 18 0.15
Basic Baton (edit) Basic Baton Security nightstick, built for bashing. It's a bit worse for wear. Item Icon - Basic Baton.png Weapons and Ammo 3.0 1 15 Metal Scrap 1 Metal Blunt Melee 8.0 WindUpSwing
Battery (Carbon) (edit) Battery (Carbon) A large battery that can store incoming electricity and provide that electricity when none is available. Item Icon - Battery (Carbon).png Light and Power 2.0 1 200 Tech
Battery (Industrial) (edit) Battery (Industrial) A mid-sized battery that can store incoming electricity and provide that electricity when none is available. Item Icon - Battery (Industrial).png Light and Power 2.0 1 100 Tech
Battery (Makeshift) (edit) Battery (Makeshift) A small battery that can store incoming electricity and provide that electricity when none is available. Item Icon - Battery (Makeshift).png Light and Power 2.0 1 50 Tech
Beanie (edit) Beanie A cozy beanie. Item Icon - Beanie.png Armor and Gear 0.1 1 100 Metal Scrap 1 Head Armor
Beer (edit) Beer It's beer, sure. Item Icon - Beer.png 1.0 6 Metal -30.0
Bench (edit) Bench A basic bench for sitting on. Item Icon - Bench.png Furniture and Benches 15.0 1 100 Metal Scrap 1
Bio Scrap (edit) Bio Scrap A heap of biological scrap. Might come in handy. Not to be confused for actual food. Item Icon - Bio Scrap.png Resources and Sub-components 0.2 64 Biological
Biometric Armwraps (edit) Biometric Armwraps These armwraps don't provide much armor, but they do allow the wearer to operate certain weapons. Item Icon - Biometric Armwraps.png Armor and Gear 7.0 1 12 Metal Scrap 1 Arm Armor 2.0 [[Statuses and Effects|Biometric Armwraps]]
Biomimic Armwraps (edit) Biomimic Armwraps These armwraps don't provide much armor, but they do allow the wearer to operate special weapons. Item Icon - Biomimic Armwraps.png Armor and Gear 7.0 1 20 Metal Scrap 1 Arm Armor 4.0
Bionic Legs (edit) Bionic Legs Cobbled together by ingenuity, and a bit of hope, these legs will allow the wearer to move faster and land harder. Stronger. Faster. Eh, you know the rest. Item Icon - Bionic Legs.png Armor and Gear 12.0 1 20 Metal Scrap 1 Tech Leg Armor 5.0
Black Paint (edit) Black Paint An ad hoc black pigment, but good enough for coloring items like barricades and bridges. Item Icon - Black Paint.png Tools 1.0 1
Blacksmithing Apron (edit) Blacksmithing Apron A very heavy apron used by blacksmiths. Apparently blacksmiths still exist. Who knew? Item Icon - Blacksmithing Apron.png Armor and Gear 18.0 1 30 Cloth Scrap 1 Chest Armor 6.0
Blacksmithing Gloves (edit) Blacksmithing Gloves Very heavy gloves, typically worn by metalworkers. Item Icon - Blacksmithing Gloves.png Armor and Gear 16.0 1 20 Metal Scrap 1 Cloth Arm Armor 6.0
Bland Pea Soup (edit) Bland Pea Soup It's a soup with peas in it. Item Icon - Bland Pea Soup.png Food and Cooking 1.0 1 9.375 21.0 Cooked Uncooked Bland Pea Soup Bland Pea Soup
Bleach (edit) Bleach A standard cleaning agent. Do not drink. Item Icon - Bleach.png 1.0 4 Plastic
Blue Paint (edit) Blue Paint An ad hoc blue pigment, but good enough for coloring items like barricades and bridges. Item Icon - Blue Paint.png Tools 1.0 1
Book (edit) Book A hard cover book, sturdy. Item Icon - Book.png Resources and Sub-components 0.5 16 Cloth
Boom Bait (edit) Boom Bait A device that emits a beeping noise to attract enemies, then a damaging detonation. Item Icon - Boom Bait.png Weapons and Ammo 1.0 10 Throwable 25.0
Box of Screws (edit) Box of Screws A box of screws, useable in crafting. Item Icon - Box of Screws.png Resources and Sub-components 0.2 64 Metal
Brain Sync (edit) Brain Sync A device for transmitting data from one brain to another, capable of syncing all journals, Compendium entries and recipes between scientists. The ethics are something left to be debated by better minds than ours, and hopefully not ones found in jars. Item Icon - Brain Sync.png Light and Power 2.0 1 420 Tech Scrap 1
Breacher Helmet (edit) Breacher Helmet A helmet of military make, adorned with strange markings and iron bars laid across the face shield. The Breachers are paying penance, deployed on the front lines with a constant reminder of their guilt. Item Icon - Breacher Helmet.png Armor and Gear 17.0 1 30 Metal Scrap 1 Head Armor 12.0
Bread (edit) Bread A toasty bread made from wheat. Or something like wheat, anyway. Item Icon - Bread.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 120 Rotten Food Biological 12.5 5.0 Cooked Raw Dough Bread
Bridge (Wood) (edit) Bridge (Wood) A bridge made of wood, used for traversing pits big and small, with enough structural support. Item Icon - Bridge (Wood).png Travel and Vehicles 1.0 16 500 Metal Scrap 1
Briefcase (edit) Briefcase Item Icon - Briefcase.png Resources and Sub-components 1.0 64 Cloth
Brown Paint (edit) Brown Paint An ad hoc brown pigment, but good enough for coloring items like barricades and bridges. Item Icon - Brown Paint.png Tools 1.0 1
Bucket Hat (edit) Bucket Hat A utilitarian sun protector. Item Icon - Bucket Hat.png Armor and Gear 0.1 1 100 Metal Scrap 1 Head Armor
Bunny Ears (edit) Bunny Ears A headband for a time of year whose celebration is completely optional at all GATE facilities except for Springer. Boing! Item Icon - Bunny Ears.png 1.0 1 10 Cloth Scrap 1 Head Armor
Burned Alien Drumstick (edit) Burned Alien Drumstick The way over-cooked leg of an alien lifeform. Item Icon - Burned Alien Drumstick.png Food and Cooking 1.5 4 60 Rotten Food 6.25 -15.0 2 Burned Raw Alien Drumstick Cooked Alien Drumstick Burned Alien Drumstick
Burned Antecheese Toastie (edit) Burned Antecheese Toastie The charred remains of an Antecheese Toastie. Item Icon - Burned Antecheese Toastie.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 60 Rotten Food 5.625 -10.0 2 Burned Antecheese Sandwich Antecheese Toastie Burned Antecheese Toastie
Burned Baked Potato (edit) Burned Baked Potato A tuber baked for too long. Item Icon - Burned Baked Potato.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 100 Rotten Food Biological 2.5 -10.0 Burned Potato Cooked Baked Potato Burned Baked Potato
Burned Carbuncle (edit) Burned Carbuncle A carbuncle, absolutely torched. Crunchy! But for the wrong reason. Item Icon - Burned Carbuncle.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 60 Rotten Food 2.5 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Carbuncle Cooked Carbuncle Burned Carbuncle
Burned Carbuncle Casserole (edit) Burned Carbuncle Casserole A Carbuncle Casserole too burnt to be edible. Item Icon - Burned Carbuncle Casserole.png Food and Cooking 4.5 4 60 Rotten Food Burned Raw Carbuncle Casserole Carbuncle Casserole Burned Carbuncle Casserole
Burned Creepy Meat Pie (edit) Burned Creepy Meat Pie A Creepy Meat Pie, burned to an inedible crisp. Item Icon - Burned Creepy Meat Pie.png Food and Cooking 3.0 4 100 Rotten Food Burned Raw Creepy Meat Pie Creepy Meat Pie Burned Creepy Meat Pie
Burned Exor Heart (edit) Burned Exor Heart A destroyed heart of an Exor. Item Icon - Burned Exor Heart.png Food and Cooking 1.5 4 100 Rotten Food 4.69 -10.0 5 Burned Raw Exor Heart Cooked Exor Heart Burned Exor Heart
Burned Fries (edit) Burned Fries Fries that have been baked for far too long. A bit too crunchy... Item Icon - Burned Fries.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 60 Rotten Food Biological 2.5 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Fries Cooked Fries Burned Fries
Burned Glowing Gâteau (edit) Burned Glowing Gâteau A terribly burned cake. Item Icon - Burned Glowing Gâteau.png Food and Cooking 3.0 4 100 Rotten Food Burned Raw Glowing Gâteau Glowing Gâteau Burned Glowing Gâteau
Burned Gumdrop Cookie Tray (edit) Burned Gumdrop Cookie Tray A tray of terribly burned cookies. It's enough to make a GATE scientist cry. Item Icon - Burned Gumdrop Cookie Tray.png Food and Cooking 1.5 4 100 Burned Raw Gumdrop Cookie Tray Gumdrop Cookie Tray Burned Gumdrop Cookie Tray
Burned Peccary Chop (edit) Burned Peccary Chop A peccarry chop, burnt to a crisp. Item Icon - Burned Peccary Chop.png Food and Cooking 1.25 4 60 Rotten Food 3.75 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Peccary Chop Cooked Peccary Chop Burned Peccary Chop
Burned Pekkie Brekkie Hash (edit) Burned Pekkie Brekkie Hash Pekkie Brekkie Hash that is very, very burnt. It hash been cooked for too long... Item Icon - Burned Pekkie Brekkie Hash.png Food and Cooking 3.0 4 60 Rotten Food Burned Raw Pekkie Brekkie Hash Pekkie Brekkie Hash Burned Pekkie Brekkie Hash
Burned Pest (edit) Burned Pest A charred Pest. Well, it's definitely crunchier. Item Icon - Burned Pest.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 60 Rotten Food 2.5 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Pest Cooked Pest Burned Pest
Burned Pest Pot Pie (edit) Burned Pest Pot Pie A Pest Pot Pie that has been burned almost beyond recognition. Item Icon - Burned Pest Pot Pie.png Food and Cooking 3.0 4 Burned Raw Pest Pot Pie Pest Pot Pie Burned Pest Pot Pie
Burned Pest Rump (edit) Burned Pest Rump The torched rump of a Pest. Item Icon - Burned Pest Rump.png Food and Cooking 0.8 4 60 Rotten Food 3.125 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Pest Rump Cooked Pest Rump Burned Pest Rump
Burned Pestato (edit) Burned Pestato A combination of pest and potato, burned to a crisp. Item Icon - Burned Pestato.png Food and Cooking 1.0 4 60 Rotten Food 4.5 -10.0 2 Burned Raw Pestato Cooked Pestato Burned Pestato
