Gaseous Nest

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Gaseous Nest is a deployable item in Abiotic Factor.


When a player character or most Entities touch it, it launches them a short distance into the air.

Despite the jump's height, the player will take no fall damage or break legs if they land back at the same level as the Gaseous Nest. The player will only take fall damage and possibly suffer broken legs if they land on a lower level.


Used In

Gaseous Nest
Reinforced Hose
Energy Brick
Military Electronics
Icon - Recipe Arrow.png
Crafting Bench
Jump Pad


Gaseous Nest can be found in these locations:

Office Sector

  • At level 3, close to where the electrified water is
  • At level 2, there is also a chance to spawn one in the room next to the room with electrified water, close to the elevator and the door to the Residence Tram

Manufacturing Sector

  • In the area below Shipping that is full of Pests and Peccaries, which can be accessed by either going down the elevator in Shipping or through a portal in a small cave

The Mycofields

  • One is found throughout the Mycofields