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Containment Protocols

The effects of IS-0513 diminish rapidly with visual distance. As such, all personnel are directed to avoid looking directly at the subject except for specific or approved research purposes.


As evidenced by the asinine decoration of IS-0513 with amateur, even garish carvings, and the flagrantly tasteless choice of materials, this subject was clearly created by a talentless 'craftsman' with no natural aptitude for carpentry, resulting in arguably the world's single worst piece of furniture.


Subject: Get rid of it
From: D. Oshry <[email protected]>
To: Derek Manse <[email protected]>
[email protected]
While visiting Cascade last week, I was given a tour of the primary containment chamber. Let me be very clear: things like IS-0513 should not be stored at ANY of our facilities. I'll talk to Keystone if this doesn't change. I want it GONE.

[email protected]
I apologize for the discomfort caused by the presence of IS-0513, but as GATE's Research Director, I remind you that we secure these things for the EXACT reason you're emailing me right now. We can't figure out what exact property is at play here, but you seem rather susceptible to its effects. In short: we all hate it, but we can't let that stop us doing our job.

[email protected]
I understand what you're saying Derek, but there's something very wrong with that thing. You can feel it. Frankly, I can STILL feel it.

[email protected]
The effect should fade - try to think about something else in the meantime. I've forwarded you some of our trainee reference for breaking soft c-hazard links. It should fade quickly given you're all the way in NYC.

Attachment: REMOVE.jpeg
Compendium entry unlocked: The Hate-Inducing Table


  • IS-0513 is based on the "Ugly Table"/"Mahogany Sidewood Table" inside joke from Gloomwood. New Blood Interactive CEO Dave Oshry once went on a tirade about how he thought a specific table asset was ugly, which was referenced within the game itself. Its appearance in Abiotic Factor is identical to Gloomwood.
    • A visiting GATE executive named "D. Oshry" is shown as being affected by IS-0513 in an email.