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Containment Protocols

Under no circumstances is the tape containing IS-0235 to be brought into contact with a video cassette recorder. It must not be played, viewed or displayed. The subject is to be considered contained until further notice.


Subject: VHS Findings
From: Alice Mayfield <[email protected]>
To: Moira Shepherd <[email protected]>
[email protected]
I've completed my analysis of the IS-0235. It appears to subsist on high contrast magnetic recordings. Copying the tape reproduces the entity, but any changes in the original are replicated in the copy. This leads me to believe they are essentially the same entity. In informational terms, they are identical.

[email protected]
What about the previous sightings?

[email protected]
We have no idea how it arrived in that specific Simpsons episode, but it seems to have disappeared from previous locations (e.g. Flintstones Season 2, Episode 32). This leads us to believe that 0235 is the same, continuous entity throughout all sightings.

[email protected]
Fascinating. Have you had any luck getting it to move?

[email protected]
Not so far. It's modes of movement remain uncertain. I've even tried shifting the show to black-and-white, but that just seemed to make it sick. I can't risk damaging such a unique entity.

Attachment: htheretic.jpg
Compendium entry unlocked: Tape Wisp
