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Containment Protocols

Audio log

Dr. Manse, Cascade Facility. When people ask where we found IS Oh-one-seven-two, I tell them the truth. It was recovered from a kebab restaurant in rural Turkey, where it was being used as a doorstop. The fact that it is, by a factor of tens, the oldest known manufactured object on Earth, forged from alloys not to be invented for another 1.7 million years, was irrelevant to the owner, who accepted, in exchange, 50 lira and a small rock. We are no closer to identifying its creators.


Subject Line Contacts Content Attachment
Impossible, but...

Marta Havel [email protected]

Hilda Dixon [email protected]

from: [email protected]

I'm looking at the results of the radiocarbon tests and I just had to ask - is there any chance 172 was contaminated during its recovery?

from: [email protected]

Marta, if there was, I would have told you. It would have been in my report. What's the issue here?

from: [email protected]

I just can't believe what I'm seeing here. I've doubled checked the testing apparatus, but they're working fine. The results must be accurate. This thing looks like a piece of bad sculpture. But it's 1.2 million years old! It's made from a ceramic-metal alloy, but we only invented those in the 1940s! Who MADE this?

from: [email protected]

Aliens? Monkeys? The mole-people? Who knows, not our concern. Tell Derek, let him deal with it. This is a great example of why we have Ordo storage. You could always donate it to a museum, but that might cause a bit of a stir.

from: [email protected]

Fine, I'll recommend it for Ordo.... But I might ask D to keep it there for a little bit longer. It makes a nice centerpiece, don't you agree?

