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Containment Protocols

Store IS-0166 upright at all times. Keep the subject away from sensitive or high-energy equipment until further notice.

Monitor all exposed staff for compulsions to sketch, etch or otherwise represent IS-0166.

Audio log

Dr. Derek Manse reporting. There is a category of immurement subjects that pile mystery upon mystery, as if their purpose was only to confound us. When I look at IS One-Six-Six, I am tempted to suspect the work of a cosmic jester, whose sole aim is to sabotage any chance we have of forming a consistent picture of the universe. Why does this object weigh three times as much when turned upside down? How did it come to be built into the Berlin wall? Why does Dr. Tengku insist on sketching it over, and over, and over again? Of finding answers to these questions, I have vanishingly little hope.


Subject: We know nothing
From: R. Orozco <[email protected]>
To: Janet Ross <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Sometimes, I get tired of the mysteries, you know?

[email protected]
That's why we're here, that's the science we're doing.

[email protected]
But there's just moments when I've had enough. Like 0166, for example. What do we actually know? It's made of some kind of crystal, but no-one knows what sort. It's three times heavier when it's upside down, no-one knows why. And for some reason, it was hidden inside the goddamn BERLIN WALL. Surprise surprise, we have no idea how it got there.

[email protected]
There's reasons for all of these things, even if we don't know them yet.

[email protected]
I know, I know, but just occasionally - sometimes - it can feel like we know nothing, at all, about any of this stuff around us. Then I start questioning everything. I probably just need more sleep.
